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Peevski to the Minister of Finance: We will not allow the budget for municipalities to be cut

For 2024. agreements have exceeded 3 bln. BGN, and only a small part of them will be paid this year

Dec 9, 2024 14:44 127

In a sharp letter to the official Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova, the chairman of the PG declared against the budget cuts for the investment program of the municipalities for the year 2025 DPS-NEW BEGINNING Delyan Peevski.

We urge you not to give in to political pressure or interference from representatives of failed or future political projects regarding the parameters laid down in the Law on the State Budget, nor in turning it into a tool for their election campaign, writes Peevski.

And he emphasizes: We will not allow, by all legal means, the security and well-being of the people in the municipalities to become a bargaining chip in the field of political opposition.

The letter, also sent to the media by the party's press center, reads:

Dear Madam Minister,

The publicly announced measures for “cutting” of the funds foreseen in the draft budget for the year 2025, as part of the three-year capital program for financing municipal projects, create a legitimate concern among the representatives of the local government and us, as their representatives in the National Assembly.

The announced amount of 800 mln. BGN according to the investment program is far below the amounts for which agreements have been concluded between mayors and the Ministry of Regional Planning and Development. For 2024 agreements have exceeded 3 bln. BGN., and only a small part of them will be paid this year.

According to public information, MRRD has so far announced the payment of about 400 million. BGN, receiving BGN 100 million from the cabinet. BGN above them with the readiness to be paid another 100 mln. BGN This means that a huge part of the payments will be made next year, but if they are not budgeted, these payments will not be made.

Guaranteeing the work of the municipalities and support from the state budget for financing the costs of repairs and other construction are of key importance for people and raising their standard of living, which is a top priority for us, since we at DPS-NOVO NACHALO are a guarantor for overcoming the artificial division of the country into large and small municipalities and settlements, into first and second category people.

In this regard, we from DPS-NEW BEGINNING again call on you not to succumb to political pressure or interference from representatives of failed or future political projects regarding the parameters laid down in the Law on the State Budget, nor in turning it into a tool for their election campaign .

We will not allow, by all legal means, the security and well-being of the people in the municipalities to become a bargaining chip in the field of political opposition.

The care and responsibility of the state towards the people goes through the care of the municipalities and their well-being, and if this does not interest politicians from the yellow paving stones, then for us this is a primary commitment and responsibility and we will defend this priority with all legal means.

Delyan Peevski, chairman of the PG DPS-NEW BEGINNING