Nikolaj Slatinski
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Slatinsky: Don't ask for whom the bell tolls in Kazan: It tolls for the WestThe BRICS meeting in Kazan was met with gloating and with irony in the West. In vain. Absolutely futile. I have looked and read a lot about the ...24.10.2024143
Nikolay Slatinski: It's always never if we hope for ever!Of course I pray for Ukraine's success in the War! I have been associated with this wonderful country and this amazing people for nearly 50 years. ...16.10.2024110
Slatinsky: Russian democrats are always dreaming about the same Russia that Putin is also raving aboutFOR THE RUSSIAN DEMOCRATS ... UKRAINE YESTERDAY IS BULGARIA TODAY. UKRAINE TODAY IS BULGARIA TOMORROW! Anyone who experiences sincerely and p ...06.08.2024326