Food in our country - more expensive by over 26% in three years. This is shown by bTV calculations based on data from the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets, which monitors wholesale prices.
We chose basic goods that every household buys - oil, flour, cheese, yellow cheese, eggs and chicken.
In this peculiar basket, the total price increases from 32.39 leva in 2022 to 40.88 leva in March this year. Thus, the increase is more than 26% in wholesale prices.
At the same time, the average gross salary is also growing. There is no data for the first quarter of this year yet, but in the last month of last year it was 2,468 leva for the country. In December 2022, it was 1947 leva.
According to consumers on the market, every commodity has increased in price dramatically in the last few years.
For many households in our country, food remains expensive. Economists explain it with the trap of "average values".
In sectors such as energy, finance and information technology, salaries are high and they push the average salary up, but not everyone is employed in these areas.
Economists report that if in our country about 30% of our income goes to food, in richer European countries only 25% of the money is spent on this.
Ganka lives in Germany and, returning to Bulgaria, found that food in stores in our country is more expensive.
He gives the example of fresh milk - a liter in our country costs about 3 leva, but not there. With a discount, it costs about 1 euro, and milk from the most expensive brand costs about 2 euros per liter.
However, Ganka reports that it is a little cheaper on the market outside the stores.