The Ministry of Energy proposes changes to the regulation on heat supply, which have been uploaded for public discussion.
The regulation determines the procedure and technical conditions for heat supply, for operational management of the heat supply system, for connecting producers and customers to the heat transmission network, for terminating heat supply, for stopping heat supply and for implementing the share distribution of heat energy in buildings.
The changes are necessary due to the fact that in February 2025, a five-member panel of the Supreme Administrative Court finally repealed the formula in the regulation for determining the amount of heat energy delivered by the building installation in buildings – condominiums, in which the distribution is carried out with individual distributors.
The canceled formula is one of the main components in the heat energy bill received by each customer.
The proposed draft regulation proposes that the amount of heat energy released by the building installation be determined at the rate of 30 percent of the amount of heat energy for heating the condominium building.
Now, according to the Energy Act (Art. 142, para. 2), the heat energy for heating a condominium building is divided into heat energy released by the building installation, heat energy for heating the common areas and heat energy for heating the properties.
Four ways are provided for determining the amount of heat energy released by the building installation when subscribers have heat meters.
With changes to the regulation, it was introduced that the customers of district heating companies must themselves determine the share of the heat energy, which will be paid for building installation. However, this will be within a certain range - from 20 to 40%. This share must be voted on by the general meeting of the condominium, and the possibility of customers being placed at the discretion of the heat accounting company is excluded.