“Realistically speaking, I don't see any opposition in parliament. Only MECH may be a real opposition. They haven't broken through them yet, but maybe they'll try there too“, said Orhan Ismailov, chairman of the “Freedom and Dignity” party. The only thing this management of immunities, and thefts, and sales is masking is the eurozone. This is something that can unite everyone, he believes.
Regarding the conversation between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and American Donald Trump and Delyan Peevski's position, it is enough to look at the ties of the two (editor's note: Peevski and Trump wear red ties every day) to see that they “simply support each other“.
Another similarity between the two is that they are businessmen who have entered politics. “The third is that both are brave, act in the right place and solve all problems“, adds Ismailov.
“Mr. Peevski may be the first Bulgarian to emerge from the sanctions imposed on him by the US and Britain. He is the biggest Euro-Atlantic, the biggest ally of the US and Trump“, recalled the politician, who also commented on the Peevski-Dogan relations.
“There were his MPs who said that the love between Peevski and Dogan was so strong that there was no force that could separate them. But at the same time, we saw how strong it was, i.e. what they say is one thing, what they do is another. Judge them by their deeds, not their words. Don't believe their tears. Moscow (we can already see America) doesn't believe it“, he concluded.
At the moment, Ahmed Dogan's people are in a very humiliating position. “I feel sorry for them! This is a fatal mistake - to get into the rut and trap of the boy who talks to the sea. In classic wrestling, there is a grip called “the wolf trap“. There, one of the contestants who fights, if he finds himself in such a situation where there is no escape, usually the path through which he has to free himself is a dead end, i.e. they are a path with no way out. The situation is very difficult for Dogan's people. There is no one to lead the group there. He is not on the stage. Dogan is currently in lethargy“, is Ismailov's opinion.
Currently, there are three DPS in parliament. One is the small DPS, the so-called ITN and the Zulus. The second is the DPS AP of Dogan's farmers and the third is DPS-New Beginning, which is the largest. In this situation, time works only for Delyan Peevski. If there are elections tomorrow, about 75% of Dogan's people will go to him. If there are elections next year, it will be a tsunami – there will be no one. So, I feel sorry for Dogan's people.
“If Delyan Peevski were to run for prime minister right now, he would have about 39 MPs. According to my calculations, he would have about 96 MPs who would vote for him as prime minister. Because he has people in every parliamentary group who love him“, says Ismailov.