Deutsche Welle - Archives from 2024/11/14/48022
Expert: Military conflicts like in Ukraine will become more frequentConflicts like the one in Ukraine will become more frequent if there is no longer a world hegemon like the USA, which is determined to maintain world ...14.11.2024109
"Big Oil" - изключително мощни, изключително влиятелниСветовната петролна индустрия генерира гигантски печалби, а 2022 година - след нахлуването на Русия в Украйна - беше рекордна за тях. Големите концерн ...13.11.202453
Драстичен спад в раждаемостта в Германия: защо?Раждаемостта в Германия спада. По данни на Института за икономически изследвания (ifo) в момента тя е 1,35 деца на жена, докато през 2021 година е бил ...13.11.202444
We live very well here: Russian emigrants in exotic countriesErevan, Belgrade, Berlin and many other cities since the beginning of the war in Ukraine have become centers of Russian emigration. But some of the Ru ...13.11.202495
Анна Цолова за медиите и "армията, разпространяваща лъжи"ДВ: Обрисувай сегашната медийна среда у нас пред - да предположим - за човек, който не знае нищо за нея. Анна Цолова: Трудно е, защото трябва да за ...13.11.202471
Life as a slow death: the catastrophic situation in GazaItimad Al-Kanu has escaped from the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army has resumed its offensive against survivin ...13.11.202487
Четворната коалиция в България има шанс да се случиКоментар от Веселин Стойнев: Минути преди началото на първото заседание на 51-ия парламент Бойко Борисов предложи управленска формула за четворна к ...12.11.202469
Radical changes in every direction: What plans Trump has"This day will forever be remembered as the day the American people took back control," said Donald Trump in his inauguration speech of his ...12.11.2024116
Bitcoin's sharp jump: are Trump's promises already workingThe oldest and most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin reached a record high at the beginning of the week, surpassing 80 thousand dollars. A serious fa ...12.11.2024210
Севернокорейски войници: Шокът от това, което виждат в РусияРешението на Северна Корея да изпрати войски във войната на Русия срещу Украйна със сигурност ще засили партньорството на Пхенян с Москва, но също так ...12.11.202467
Германия ще ги връща: руснаци, които бягат от военна службаРешение на Върховния административен съд на Берлин и Бранденбург, което не подлежи на обжалване, може да провали плановете на стотици руски граждани д ...11.11.202458
Hobson's choice: PP-DB have no useful moveThe 51st parliament has started work, but it is not yet clear who will lead it. However, something else has become crystal clear - everyone wants to p ...11.11.202479
Prague: Mass tourism has driven the Czechs out of their own cityAn autumn weekday, shortly before six in the afternoon, in the center of Prague a huge crowd of people can be seen, who seem to have gathered for a gi ...11.11.2024660
You have 45 minutes to escapeIt is 2 in the middle of the night when the phone at home starts to ring. The voice of a complete stranger is heard across the street saying that the ...11.11.202487
Why are teenagers imprisoned in colonies in RussiaWe have not seen such a thing even at the end of the Soviet era, human rights activists claim . In Russia today, even minors who have expressed disagr ...11.11.2024135
Bulgaria: Protests, chaos, explosive instabilityPolitical forces want a partial annulment of the results of the October 27 elections due to serious suspicions of a bought and controlled vote. The pr ...11.11.2024118
Севернокорейски войници за Русия: истинската цел на ПутинНикога в живота си те не са виждали интернет. И сега, озовавайки се в Русия, севернокорейските войници буквално са залепени за екраните, за да гледат ...08.11.202481
After the collapse of the government: when will there be elections in Germany?On the day of Donald Trump's US election victory, the crisis-ridden German government finally collapsed: the dispute over the direction of economi ...08.11.2024106
The pogrom over the National Theater: if we bow down, it's going to be scaryEvgeny Dainov's comment: You went to the National Theater with a ticket in your pocket. You will be watching a production by a world-class dire ...08.11.202489
After Trump's victory in the USA: is Europe left alone?Mark Rutte's message to Donald Trump was clear. The new NATO Secretary General was one of the first to congratulate Trump on his election victory. ...07.11.2024108
Русия и бившите "братски страни": Кремъл няма да спре дотукПроевропейските сили в Молдова с труд спечелиха референдума за евроинтеграцията на страната, а после и президентските избори. В Грузия стана обратното ...07.11.202487
Seven more American states legalize abortionsIn the US elections, residents of 10 US states also voted on abortion laws. In seven of them, voters supported the right to abortion, which is yet to ...07.11.202483
The coalition in Germany on the verge of collapse: Scholz released LindnerGerman Chancellor Olaf Scholz has released his finance minister - the leader of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) Christian Lindner, reports dpa. Tod ...06.11.2024123
Austria may very soon let Bulgaria into SchengenNominated European Commissioner for Migration Magnus Bruner (from the Austrian People's Party) has already announced that he supports the full mem ...05.11.2024216
Колко демократични са САЩ наистина?Дълго време САЩ се смяташе за пример за демокрация - държава, с която други нации се мереха, когато изграждаха своите демократични институции. На 6 ...05.11.202461