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Rock poet Alexander Petrov before FACTS about Kiril Marichkov: Bulgarian rock says goodbye to the First

Kiril Marichkov was the first to go down this "time-forbidden path, says the poet

Oct 15, 2024 09:17 224

Rock poet Alexander Petrov before FACTS about Kiril Marichkov: Bulgarian rock says goodbye to the First  - 1

Kiril Marichkov has left us, but the trace that remains in music, and not only, is huge, gigantic. “On the way“! This is one of the many hit songs of “Crickets” because “… the rock concert died down”. And, yes, the lyrics are by the great rock poet Alexander Petrov. Here is what he shared with FACTS about rock music, Kiril Marichkov, etc.

- Mr. Petrov, “… the rock concert died down. The hall is already empty. All light goes out. Nobody is left here…“ What was Kiril Marichkov for Bulgarian rock?
- Whatever I say now will sound more or less like a cliché. Because in the last days, after we lost him, so many things have been written and spoken that it is impossible to add another touch to his portrait. But the most important thing for me is that Kiril Marichkov was the first to go down this “forbidden” of time way. And with that, he showed the direction of countless musicians. We remember the first - the first conqueror of Everest, the first man in space, or set foot on the moon. In this sense, Marichkov will live not only with the music he wrote, not only with his voice in the songs he sang, or with his civic position on topics that are painful for society. Bulgarian rock says goodbye to the First.

- “… and the piano sounds. Strange and so lonely. It's as if it's hidden in him. Pain from a distant memory…“ Has Bulgarian music become lonelier without Kiril Marichkov...
- She can't help but become more lonely. He was extremely active even at that age. Countless concerts with “The Foundation“ in Bulgaria and around the world. He was creating new music. Many musicians have shared with me the valuable advice he has given them.

- How long have you known Kiril Marichkov and how did you meet?
- I remember it since I was a child, because I lived with my parents on “Giovanni Gorini” - this is a direct street on “Oborishte“.
The “Bandaracs“ lived on the same street. and Kircho, who started playing with them before “Crickets“ - very often came to rehearse. As children, we used to play in the street all day and regularly saw him walking around with his guitar. We used to go to listen to the rehearsals they were doing at the "Aleko Konstantinov" community center. But we really got to know each other years later, when I started working with the band “Tangra”. “Crickets“ and “Tangra“ they rehearsed in two different premises of the "Peter Beron" community center. And so we have already met him professionally.

- How rock and roll was made before 1989. How dare you have to start…
- It wasn't easy. Especially in the beginning – mid 1960s. State policy was working full force to hinder rock musicians in every way. There were no instruments, no equipment, no stages. There was no media to broadcast rock music.
There were no studios to record. The fear of the rebellious spirit that rock music carried suppressed everything.
But isn't it “it doesn't go out where it doesn't go out” (b.r.-poem by Ivan Vazov). Rock musicians of the time were personalities. By this I do not mean to affect the musicians of today. Just the “old“ were involved from another dough. Not only in Bulgaria, but also in the world.

I think that to a large extent rock music helped bring down the Berlin Wall, and after it humanity lived in a comfort that “planed“ the rebellious spirit.

Values have changed. The generation has also changed. The music has also changed. But that's natural. I didn't like my parents' fun and dance music. They hardly liked the Rolling Stones.

- What is the zodiac sign cricket…
- The idea for this song is Kircho's. One day he called me and asked to meet to show me something. I went to them and they played me the music of the future song. He asked me if I could write the text in such a way that the phrase “zodiac cricket“ sounds somewhere in the middle. It wasn't easy.

- “… I am not a communist and I will never be…“ What human qualities are required to sing this?
- Above all integrity.

- Have you said many times that one should tell true stories. What story did Kiril Marichkov tell?
- After “Crickets“ he wrote many songs, some of which he wrote the lyrics too. And very successfully. As for our common work, he more than once had the idea for the text. Usually a short phrase to build everything around. So with this idea he was provoking my mind. He was handing me the end of the thread to start winding the ball.

- What did Kiril Marichkov leave in you most intimately. What is the one thing that you will not forget and will always associate with him?
- His rebellious spirit.

Intransigence towards Andreskovism – a trait of a Bulgarian woman that she could not stand.

I will remember him with his smart and a little sad look of a man who sees from the other side of the mirror. And, of course, with the music and songs he left us.

- “I love you forever and there is no other word…“ Today, how will you continue the sentence…
- As I wrote it: “The most important thing is this – nothing else remained…“
And for Kiril Marichkov: “The most important thing is this – your mark remained“.