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Weather today, forecast for Monday, January 27:

Maximum temperatures will be between 12 and 17°

Jan 27, 2025 04:06 102

The minimum temperatures today will be between minus 1 and 4°, in some regions of Western Bulgaria up to minus 4°, in Sofia - around 0°, BNR reported.

During the day it will be mostly sunny and almost quiet. Before noon in places in the lowlands and valleys there will be fog or low cloudiness. Maximum temperatures will be between 12 and 17°, along the coast 9-12°, in the capital it will be around 13°.

In the mountains it will be sunny with weak and moderate, on the highest peaks temporarily strong wind from the west-southwest. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m. will be 10°, at 2000 m. around 4°.

On the Black Sea coast in the morning hours, the cloudiness will be significant, but will quickly decrease and it will be sunny for most of the day. Maximum temperatures will be between 9 and 12°. The sea water temperature is 8-9°. The sea waves will be 2-3 points.