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Weather today, forecast for Tuesday, March 4: Sunny, light wind in the east

Maximum temperatures will be between 9° and 14°

Mar 4, 2025 06:16 44

Weather today, forecast for Tuesday, March 4: Sunny, light wind in the east  - 1

Today will be sunny, BNR reported.

In the eastern regions, a light wind will blow from the north-northwest. Maximum temperatures will be between 9° and 14°.

In the mountains, it will be sunny. A moderate wind will blow, and in the highest parts, a temporarily strong wind from the east-northeast. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 5°, at 2000 meters - about minus 1°.

On the Black Sea coast, it will be mostly sunny. In the morning, there will be reduced visibility in places. The wind will be light: before noon - mainly from the north-northwest, and after noon - from the east-southeast. Maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 10°. The sea water temperature is 4°-6°. The sea waves will be 1-2 points.