11,225 perfumes were seized by customs officers from the Sofia Customs and Ruse Customs Departments within a day during two separate inspections - one at the Kalotina Customs checkpoint and one in the Danube Bridge area - Vidin. Some of the seized perfumes were contraband, while others were seized on suspicion of being counterfeit. Both inspections were carried out on 02.02.2025, the perfumes were transported with other goods that left Bulgaria and were packed in unmarked boxes.
2,874 contraband perfumes were seized during an inspection of a Bulgarian truck leaving the country through the Kalotina Customs checkpoint. Customs officers from the Sofia Customs Department select for inspection a truck leaving the country through the Kalotina Border Checkpoint, traveling with goods to France. After the driver did not declare anything other than the goods described in the accompanying documents, the cargo was diverted for a thorough customs inspection and scanning with X-ray equipment. Areas of suspicious density were identified, which during the subsequent physical inspection, customs officers from the Kalotina Border Checkpoint determined to be three pallets with perfumes and toilet waters of various brands, with a total quantity of 2,874 pieces. Among the 44 varieties of fragrances, 30, 75 or 100 ml packages prevail, with most of them being perfumes from famous fashion brands. The goods were detained, and a report was drawn up for the driver under the Customs Act.
On the same date – 02.02.2025, at the approach to the Danube Bridge - Vidin, customs officers from the Ruse Customs Office inspected a Bulgarian truck carrying groupage goods from Bulgaria to Italy. Two of the shipments in the groupage, described in the waybill as "cosmetics", were selected. After opening some of the boxes on site, the customs inspectors found that they contained perfumery products from well-known brands. The driver and the truck were escorted to the Vidin Customs Office, where a total of five pallets with boxes without inscriptions and markings were unloaded in the hall. During the thorough customs inspection, it was found that they contained a total of 8351 perfumes and toilet waters from 31 well-known brands. The goods were detained due to suspicions that they infringe trademark rights.
The total quantity of smuggled and counterfeit perfumes detained by the employees of the Sofia Customs and Ruse Customs offices is 11,225 pieces.
In another case, again on Sunday, 02.02.2025, customs officers from the Ruse Customs Office diverted a bus traveling from Turkey to Romania across the Danube Bridge - Ruse. When checking the luggage of one of the passengers, 1005 short-sleeved blouses were found, bearing inscriptions and images of nine famous brands. It was established that the goods came from Turkey, which is why their carrier - a Turkish citizen, was charged with smuggling under the Customs Act.
The inspections carried out by the Ruse Customs Office are part of the compensatory measures of the “Customs“ Agency in connection with the dropout