Perry the donkey, who inspired the character of Donkey in the animated series "Shrek", has died at the age of 30 after an illness, the Barron Park Donkey Project in Palo Alto, California announced.
The talking donkey was the best friend of the green monster Shrek, the main character in the franchise of the same name.
In the original film, his character was voiced by actor Eddie Murphy.
„It is with great sadness that we announce that our beloved Barron Park donkey, Perry, has passed away at the age of 30. He was a beloved member of our community and we know how deeply we will mourn his passing. During his long life, Perry won the hearts of the Barron Park community and beyond through his contributions to the film “Shrek“ as the model for the character of Donkey in the film,“ the organization said on its Instagram page.