The series Pavel DurovAt the end of August this year. Pavel Durov, hand in hand with his girlfriend Yulia Vavilova, are touring Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan on hor ...03.10.2024337
Armenia wants to join the EU, but the Kremlin controls all its infrastructureOleg POSTERNAK, political scientist< /p> On October 1, 2024 in Yerevan, the capital of the supposedly “reoriented” to t ...03.10.2024481
Did only one candidate-deputy list order DPS-a new beginning”DPS - a new beginning” ordered his candidate deputies. But is it only in this list that Delyan Peevski has direct influence!? Interesting ...03.10.2024297
Uranium, titanium, nickel: What if Putin stops supplies to the West?"They are limiting the supply of many goods to Russia, but perhaps we should also think about certain restrictions - on uranium, titanium, nickel", s ...03.10.2024420
A month of stress for EU commissioners-designate ahead of big oral exam
It's like an exam. In the impressive buildings of the European institutions in Brussels, there is an atmosphere of intensive negotiation of the ma ...
The beginning of the end of the Iranian "Axis of Resistance"?The authorities in Israel see in the current situation an extraordinary opportunity - not only to destroy Hamas and Hezbollah, but also to completely ...02.10.2024286
Israel and Iran: how allies became implacable enemiesUntil the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Israel and Iran were close allies. After that, however, they gradually became implacable enemies. How and why th ...02.10.2024309
Prof. Lachezar Grozdinski: Parliamentary democracy in our country is a big fraudInteresting, how many more senseless elections have to be held held in our country so that the Bulgarian people would understand that the whole thing, ...02.10.2024294
Do you remember when the MPs decided to work during office hours as well...We are already preparing for elections on October 27, extraordinary, of course. Why? Because we don't have a regular cabinet. Why? Because it is e ...02.10.2024290
The bloody business of war: for whom will there be money in RussiaThe Russian authorities are trying in every possible way to cover up the increasing militarization of the national budget. But this, it seems, no long ...02.10.2024410
When West Berlin was saved from starvationAll of Germany looks like a huge ruin. After the end of World War II, the entire country is destroyed, but people hope for better times. At the same ...01.10.2024261
How politicians buried the miners and energy workers from the Maritsa Basin aliveComment by Emilia Milcheva: Bulgarian politicians are burying the miners and energy workers from the Maritsa Basin alive - leaving them like those ...01.10.2024270
Kalina Androlova: Compromises in state power destroy the stateThey never understood that “equally spaced” is a compromise that deprives state government of party responsibility, but worse, it deprives ...01.10.2024267
Revival is a threat, but also a chance for GERB and PP-DBThe threat of "Revival" on October 27 is real, and the pro-Western parties are not reacting adequately so far. However, from the eventual su ...01.10.2024271
Lyubomir Alamanov: In the previous elections there were two sad trendsIn the previous elections there were two sad trends - a call to vote with "I do not support anyone" and refusing to vote for democratic part ...01.10.2024231
Kevork Kevorkian: We should have had a Day of Obedience a long time agoThe ritual took place. Now that's the important thing. “Independence Day” passed and left. “Report given – report accepted ...01.10.2024218
How the "boy got away with the "face...The frantic preparations for the elections are in full swing. The parties arrange candidate-deputy lists, look for liked and recognizable people to sh ...01.10.2024186
What should Borisov, Peevski and co. be askedOnly one event could fill the capital hall “Arena Armeets” faster than Greek pop singer Nikos Vertis or a match between tennis players Gri ...01.10.2024188
The two MRFs in Kardzhali: like in the battle for Stalingrad?Author: Vildan Bayryamova In Kardzhali, the candidates of Delyan Peevski's "MPS - New Beginning" emphasized that they are the real party and only t ...30.09.2024228
How a Serbian 'second-rate politician tapped into powerful Western intelligenceBritish intelligence services plan to eliminate Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin in revenge for his open support for Russia and regular ...30.09.2024354
Putin needs a break from war, but not peaceVladimir Putin may need a break from war, but by no means from peace. A temporary cessation of hostilities would allow him to rebuild and strengthen h ...30.09.2024209
Nikolay Nankov: Now I'm explaining to myself why PP live in a pink budget bubble - Asen Vassilev can't countNow I explain to myself why PP live in a pink budget bubble… which will soon burst. Well, their financial guru Asen Vassilev cannot count. He w ...30.09.20241 048
10 populist bills to win the spring electionsParliament has dissolved and a new one of the same type awaits us . It needs radical ideas and bills that touch the hearts of the voters in order to m ...30.09.2024154
Diana Damyanova: An attempt to ... I know whatI research the parties' messages hidden in logos, advertising, slogans, etc. I understand them. Seventh election in a short time, as in the mea ...30.09.2024104
Ivaylo Mirchev: 10 arguments that he does not oppose the buying of votesThe Minister of the Interior explained, I hear, that he opposes the buying of votes. I'm going to disappoint him - either someone is misleading hi ...29.09.2024137