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Emil Vasilev: Only a new Constitution will save Bulgaria from collapse

It is obvious that Bulgarians do not like their country - the proof is indisputable - mass emigration and total demographic collapse

Aug 4, 2024 14:02 372

Emil Vasilev: Only a new Constitution will save Bulgaria from collapse  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

This is one of the most -my serious posts in recent years, so please read it carefully.

It is about the constitution, i.e. about the existence and functioning of the state. This is the most important law. Just as foundations and columns support the construction of any building, so the constitution supports the statehood and sovereignty of our country. It matters whether the building is made of adobe and beams, of panels or of reinforced concrete and ceramic bricks.

This commented on "Facebook" Emil Vassilev.

Obviously, Bulgaria is falling apart.

It is obvious that the Bulgarians do not like their country - the proof is indisputable - the mass emigration and the total demographic collapse. It is obvious that we need a new constitution, i.e. a new home for the scattered and confused Bulgarian people. Whoever does not understand it and claims to be a politician is a fool or a national traitor. The sooner a new constitution of our country is adopted, the sooner the decay will be stopped. No one wants to live in an adobe house with a thatched roof, as is the current constitution. Only gypsies live and give birth to children in such houses.

The question therefore becomes what the new constitution should be, not whether it should be adopted.

Christo and the Canadian, although I am their voter /on the principle of the lesser evil/, made a general mistake and now they are deservedly punished and overthrown.

They set out to reform the judiciary and curtail the powers of the president. Error! Fatal mistake! Of the three powers /legislative, executive and judicial/,

only the judicial one, with all its shortcomings, actually works and is not blocked.

Against the background of a totally fragmented party model, a blocked parliament and a dysfunctional government, the president /regardless of who he is at any given moment/ is the only stabilizing factor.

Hristo and Kiro set out to reform the only working authority and eliminate the only stabilizing political factor. With their actions, they generated even more instability in the state and stimulated disintegration in all spheres - politics, social sphere, demography, health care, education.

I would serve these fools with my legally owned Walter to go blow themselves up and free up the right space for smarter and more responsible people. In this way, the two put even more grist in the mill of the Communist-Fireman-dominated scumbag-police perverted state.

They also poured water into the smaller mills of various psychopaths-nationalists and Russophiles. I say this with the pain of a staunch right-winger who loathes the various Coritas and co out there who still have the volleys of "Aurora" and are 100 years behind modern social democracy. In short: our party-political model is a tragedy, a complete tragedy, and the smallest problem of the state is the judicial system.

It is already clear to kindergarten children that the most in need of reform is our wasted party and electoral system, which generates INITIALLY DEAD PARLIAMENTS AND NON-WORKING GOVERNMENTS.

There are two conceptual models that could alternatively be laid out in an entirely new constitution:

1. If the current party bacchanalia is left as it is, we must move towards a presidential republic, so that there is some stabilizing factor in the state, as well as a figure who bears responsibility.

2. If we want to preserve the parliamentary republic, we should go to the Greek model or something similar to it - for example, 30% of the seats in the parliament should be reserved for the winning party / coalition / so that a working regular government can be formed . In this case, only representative functions will remain for the president, which is the dream of Kiro and Hristo.

I am personally in favor of the second model, because if it is adopted in the next elections, we will see a consolidation of the party system around two pillars: right-conservative and liberal-democratic. That is, we will quickly see a bipolar model in Bulgaria, because the politicians will want to win the bonus of approximately 80 guaranteed parliamentary seats, in addition to the actually won mandates. That is, they will look for ways to unite. Various greatnesses and Kostadin people will be marginalized and finally we will see in the parliament people who see a future for themselves in politics / quality people/, and not the astonishing current composition of the parliament with its intellectual poverty.

Maybe even I would run for parliament again, after more than 10 years of political seclusion.

I provide the above consultation free of charge to politicians, and I hope they will see it. If they don't do it - the last one should pull the switch, because electricity has become much more expensive.

Emil Vasilev, lawyer, university professor, deputy in the 41st National Assembly 2009-2013