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There are no good guys in this Bulgarian movie

There are no good guys in this Bulgarian movie

Aug 29, 2024 23:00 146

There are no good guys in this Bulgarian movie  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Now is the time for the passengers, who otherwise don't care that they are not moving, to really get organized and push this hopeless train , called "Bulgarian democracy".

Yes. Think about it - there really aren't any good ones in this movie of ours. Kind of like a variant of "Good Guys" of Scorsese or "Two Men in the City" of Jose Giovanni. With this difference that the internal suspension of disbelief - i.e. suppressing the feeling that what you are looking at is impossible in living life - of our political situation produces nothing but non-voting inert observers from all stratification floors.

They, the Bulgarian political class, have all become bad, albeit for different reasons, but the cynical and somewhat unbearable thing is that it doesn't even cross their mind to use another theatrical or cinematic approach – for example, the fall of the "fourth wall", in which an actor "comes out" from the play and speaks directly to the audience, in a well-judged bout of (political) naturalism.

That is why we have reached a real zugswang, in which we observe a tragedy for the feelers and a comedy for the thinkers.

We can call it "shadow theater" if you like - although I deeply doubt the cultural training of the current political class, namely – real knowledge of shadow puppetry ie. projecting puppet silhouettes onto a lighted screen. Rather, they make it a primal inner feeling, combined with certain ancient practices like "who is our edi-where are you", "who will buy us votes", "damn the poor"..

And now the question is again, are we voting for the few, have we shrunk to the party nuclei, can we vote for one party to choose another, after all the "players", headed by President Radev, the ubiquitous Peevski and animal instinct the humiliated Borisov, in total they made it so that there was no choice?

What can we expect from the next campaign?

In other words, political tales of the "but the voter" type they've been tinkling as hollowly as possible for a long time now. No, one third of the Bulgarian voters did not arrange you anywhere, except where you belong - nowhere. Moreover, since July, in some places it is known who, where and for how much will buy votes. The price is falling because it is the seventh election after all, the traders are taking it into account, it is already below 150 BGN.

I.e. they, in their various iterations there, are essentially one and the same, mere political swindlers. Yes, there will still be slightly dramatic statements and meaningless billboards, there will still be "we offer you", but already it seems that all the players are just going through the expected quasi-ritual movements”. Some in a campaign, others in a Schopenhauerian state of lack of interest and quiet anger against the whole system.

There are no good ones here

However, my friends (both at home and abroad) have no real choice and don't stop caring: they both know about Columbus's egg, and they can't see a real solution. All of us who have enough information about this country and what is happening, we know everything well – power from now on, partly as before, will be distributed along three vectors: Peevski, Borisov and Radev. Ergo, there is not and will not be an attempt to "lighten up" neither in the judicial system nor in any other.

Everybody out there who is somebody is somebody who depends on somebody. Or, worse, by Someone Else.

And this is a kind of rape of the possible system of justice, as they understand it, for example, in the Scandinavian countries. This eternal political interference in the judiciary means only one thing - another political tragicomedy of ours, not even on the order of "Troil and Cressida".

The third power itself is divided, as they say, something like 80 to 20% in favor of the master schemer, whose name we shall not mention. Because the system itself is not entered through legal idealism, but through certain brokers. I myself, as a lawyer from SU, sympathize with them, they start small, regardless of prosecutors or judges, the condition for climbing up the system is that both the state prosecution and its opposition are in some sense "regulated". And the crushing thing is that there often some supposedly last suddenly become first if they serve Peevski and Borisov through their proxies. And in a cultural sense, there is a similar development - the cognitively challenged from Varna, about whom I warned 6 years ago, today constitutes a kind of proscription of teachers. Or "blacklist" (by the way, this term was coined by a good English playwright immediately after Shakespeare, the forgotten Philip Messenger).

Can we support those who lead us forward?

What is the exit? Fast, no doubt. It's like Oswald Spengler's big question in "Prussianism or Socialism," though in a different context: can we, in general, as a society support those who push us forward, or do we fall behind culturally and in every sense of history?< /p>

It seems to me that we have a "disease" and a general retardation of thought, but in our peculiar "noir" "democratic forces" are also guilty. Sometimes in these last 4 years they were pure fools, sometimes they fix their personal affairs, sometimes they are unbearable in their amateurism, sometimes you come to strangle their PR. And only sometimes - like Marina Tsvetaeva, "I would like to put my eyes in the mirror" - they remind us why we fight.

Yes and yes: the fight is for hard-won freedoms, especially by young urban people, and all this is worth a very important battle on the part of their political representation. I have already said a hundred times that it will not happen with these democratic leaders, but – as Taylor Swift and Oswald Spengler say – this is our only chance. Small, insignificant, but still a chance.

Don't waste it, there won't be another one.

It is high time the passengers pushed this train too

Although I know you will waste it. And finally you will live under a state-political-oligarchic slipper.

Will we ever tell the difference between the ideal - Dulcinea del Toboso, the lovely fictional - and the reality - the peasant Aldonza Lorenzo that Sancho warns about?

Will we, through disgust and non-voting, reaffirm yet another already oligarchic (after several personal governments) and dangerous in his ambitions player, a lover of the "Stalinist" firm hand?

Now is the time for the passengers, who otherwise don't care that they are not moving, to really organize and push this hopeless train called "Bulgarian liberal democracy".


This comment expresses the personal opinion of the author and may not coincide with the positions of the Bulgarian editorial office and of DV as a whole.