Dr. Svetlozar SARDOVSKI
Total inadequacy of the protest /b.r. against animal torturers/, showing absolute elementaryness of perceptions - an incomparable and disproportionate reaction to the phenomenon of psychopathy...
Why aren't you so active in protest against the truly significant and fixable problems of our country, which are ruining it, as well as most of its population - spiritually and physically... Why aren't you protesting against the stupid internal policy of the EU - green-energy, financial, monetary, hypocritical-duplicitous, as well as the foreign policy, which is ruining the EU and impoverishing and psychotizing most of you...? So look around and see what the neighbors are protesting against...
Protests against psychopathy, which is YES - evil, but it is genetic and unpreventable, and accordingly difficult to control, and if it can be controlled at all to some extent, it is through protests in another direction, where it can be useful - to correct fixable things.
Protests have no effect on such phenomena as psychopathy and sociopathy. It's like protesting against the stormy waves in the sea that take lives...
But to understand this, you need intellect, and for that, EDUCATION is needed (which is most important for prevention and prosperity), not just NGOs. So think, weigh things up correctly and direct your energy, including for the protests, in another direction...
Regarding the SADISTIC videos with animals:
Look, these are psychopaths and in principle, unlike the mentally ill, they are sane, but they are not subject to treatment, but only to exclusion and exclusion from their society (prison at least...), because some of them will or do this with people, and as it is evident, they do it because there are also people like them who enjoy watching it, so the outrage should be directed in this direction. It has nothing to do with them being from Pernik or being close to political or other elites.
There are such psychopaths all over the world, including in Bulgaria, of course not many, fortunately. But if there was data about the mother of the candidate for mayor from the Bulgarian Democratic Republic, there should have been a timely response, including checking the children (at least) for such manifestations, because they are transmitted both genetically and inductively...
The text was published on Facebook