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Serbia: how to take revenge with porn pictures

The illegal distribution and sale of revenge pornography violates not only the intimate sphere of the victims - in this way their public image and dignity are tarnished, and the act can also have consequences for the mental and their physical health

Nov 2, 2024 16:11 1 567

Serbia: how to take revenge with porn pictures  - 1

It seems to be some Serbian phenomenon: private sex photos and videos are distributed on social networks without the consent of those affected. The state does not react, and a large part of society believes that the victims are also to blame.

The so-called Revenge pornography is increasingly common in Serbia. It is about sharing on social networks private sexual photos and videos - without the consent of the affected persons. Added to this is AI-generated content that shows real people in fabricated, non-existent sex scenes.

A three-month investigation of Telegram groups in Serbia, initiated by the non-governmental organization "OsnaŽena", shows that tens of thousands of users exchange pornographic content daily, including those showing incest, children and the aforementioned kind of revenge.

Perpetrators are often ex-partners who distribute photos and films from relationships that have already ended. However, pornographic content can also be obtained by hacking computers, phones and social media accounts. The goal is to harm the victim in their real life. According to the European Institute for Equality, girls and women are mostly affected (90 percent).

The illegal distribution and sale of revenge pornography violates not only the intimate sphere of the victims - in this way, their public image and dignity are tarnished, and the act can also have consequences for their mental and physical health. “Nevertheless, a large part of Serbian society believes that the victims are also to blame for appearing in the pornographic photos and videos," Nikolina Tomasevic from "OsnaŽena" tells DV.

Why is it believed that the victims are also guilty?

„For many people, only girls who go to church covered from head to toe deserve sympathy," says Tomasevich. “However, if they wear short skirts, it is believed that they provoke sexual assault. I.e. - they deserved to be victims."

Sanja Pavlovic from the Autonomous Women's Center in Belgrade explains that the concept of “revenge pornography" suggests that the affected woman has done something for which the perpetrator is taking revenge on her. I.e. and by this logic it follows that she bears at least part of the responsibility.

Since the beginning of this year, members of the Autonomous Women's Center have been petitioning the institutions to include revenge pornography in the Serbian Penal Code - as Croatia and Montenegro have already done. In less than a month, more than 20,000 signatures were collected, which shows that at least part of Serbian society is aware of the problem and wants political measures.

„The signatures are mainly of young girls - representatives of this generation that does not want to just silently suffer," says Pavlovich. “However, we also received support from women who have experienced this type of violence, as well as from young parents, especially of daughters, who want a change before their children grow up."

Women as beings without their own sexuality

Many other Serbs, however, continue to believe that victims of revenge pornography and other forms of cyberbullying are to blame, the expert points out. “We often hear such statements from men who still believe that a woman is not a being with her own sexuality, but should be available to a man to satisfy his needs."

From "OsnaŽena" already months ago they provided the results of their studies to the prosecutor's office, which deals with cybercrimes - but so far without result. “Institutions are sluggish, full of prejudices and consist of people who are part of society living according to patriarchal norms," explains Nikolina Tomasevic. According to her, there is a danger that due to the lack of reaction of the institutions, the Serbian society will start to consider this kind of behavior as normal.

There needs to be a change in the sexuality debate

Sanja Pavlovic calls for a change in the passive, though not necessarily accepting, position regarding revenge pornography and cyberbullying in Serbia. For this purpose, there is a need for state measures such as a ban that will be implemented: “It is pointless to have a law that is not implemented".

„Serbian society needs a change in the debate about sexuality, in relation to concepts such as consent, desire, gender roles and other stereotypes,", summarizes Pavlović. These topics should be covered in school, depending on the age. “I think that this is the only way to shape a new generation in which women are more self-confident and enjoy more respect," adds Pavlovich.