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Nobody Celebrates Easter in Hagia Sophia

Almost a century before Bin Laden and the Islamic State, Kemal Atatürk sounded the alarm over the looming danger. Turkey, thanks to its geographical location, is the first potential victim of a possible Arab invasion

Май 6, 2024 15:24 394

Nobody Celebrates Easter in Hagia Sophia  - 1

The bells of the largest Orthodox cathedral fell silent in 1453. Mohammed II – ri turns it into a mosque. Only in 1934, the Turkish visionary Kemal Atatürk stopped the spiritual rites in the Byzantine temple and laid the foundations of the republican system. All religions, sooner or later, are reformed to keep up with the times. For Kemal, Islam is part of Turkish traditions. A materialist, he rolls up his sleeves to impose the supremacy of a new faith – that of the nation and its interests. Kemal actually opposes nation to religion. His view of religions is realistic and devoid of superstition. According to Kemal, “Moses is a fighter for the liberation of the Jews who were groaning under the whip of the Egyptians. Christ is a person who turns evil and misery into a religion of love.“ According to him, Islam is not the result of a national evolution of the Arabs, but a consequence of the appearance of Muhammad. Extremely far-sighted, the Turkish president sees above all the danger of the looming conservative Arab Islam. Kemal is an outspoken opponent of the Salafist and Wahhabi movements, which drag the development of society back to obscurantism. No one before him so categorically pointed to Saudi Arabia, with its religious fanaticism, as a threat to the civilized world. Almost a century before bin Laden and the Islamic State, Kemal Atatürk sounded the alarm over the looming danger. Turkey, due to its geographical location, is the first potential victim of a possible Arab invasion. According to Kemal, Arabs are Bedouins fleeing the sands of the desert. The fertile land of Turkey attracts them like a magnet. Through the Islamic religion they are able to flood and melt the Turkish nation. It was this danger that motivated Kemal's quest to create a modern Turkish Islam and brought it under the control of the state. To reject Arab influence, he imposed the Latin alphabet as the official alphabet in place of the Arabo-Persian in force until then.

Erdogan, who presents himself as Kemal's successor, is also fighting against Saudi influence, but not against Islam, but for Turkey's leadership in terms of faith. The Turkish president, convinced that the Europeans do not want to accept his country in the union, is using the same weapon that the Salafists used against Turkey in the Middle Ages. After turning the Hagia Sophia back into a mosque and restoring the supremacy of the Koran, Erdogan is advancing into Europe, through Islam. The combination of Brussels' vacillating policy and the unstoppable wave of Muslim emigrants are factors that facilitate Erdogan's imperial foreign policy. There are hundreds of Turkish schools, foundations, prayer halls and associations. In the onslaught of Islamization on the European continent, the Turkish president is not alone. Iran and the monarchies of the Near East are serious competitors. The war in Palestine united the Muslims of the different streams and a large part of the brainwashed students. The existence of the state of Israel has been called into question. Jews in England and on the Continent were subjected to threats and violence. No matter how much Emmanuel Macron repeats that the biggest threat is Russia, French society realizes that the threat is internal. The obscurantism of medieval Islam flooded the suburbs and entire cities. Fanatics are gaining the upper hand over moderate Muslims. Public schools are in total chaos. The students, even from the elementary grades, refuse pork. They leave classrooms during geography and history lessons. Girls pretend to be sick when they have swimming or gymnastics lessons. Those who dress like Europeans are fighting against those who follow the Sharia. On the sports fields, more and more women are wearing tights and helmets, under which there are ferrets. Knife encounters are an everyday occurrence. The number of teachers on sick leave is growing. Directors threatened with death by fanatics rush into early retirement. In hospitals, the tension is no less palpable. Fanatic Muslims attack male staff when their women need medical attention. Thanks to Erdogan and his rivals, a society is emerging in Europe in complete contradiction to Kemal Atatürk's reforms. According to him, in 1938, Miss Turkey in a swimsuit, won the title of Miss World!

„Why don't we know these things?“ - my friends often ask. How do you know them when the BTV correspondent broadcasts only about what is happening in the corridors of the European Parliament, without ever saying what is happening around. That there is already a Turkish mayor in Brussels, for example. Or that the biggest mosque in Europe is being built in Strasbourg with Turkish money. The same “correspondent“ receives an award in Sofia for the best journalist in France, without appearing on any French television. Without having written a single line in a French publication, without holding out the microphone to a French colleague. And why is money wasted on going to Brussels or Strasbourg to interview Bulgarian MEPs? Such information does not inform, but distracts. Specifically speaking, there are people from France and Bulgaria who are just playing tricks!

The same quality was demonstrated by her colleague from Nice, working for Nova TV. She never paid attention to the changes that occurred in the capital of the Cote d'Azur after the attack caused by the sympathizer of the Islamic State – Mohammed Buhlel. An attack with a truck ran over 84 innocent victims, some of them Muslims, on the most beautiful boulevard - the Walk of the English. The same lady, who informs the Bulgarian society from time to time, does not mention anything about the tension in Nice caused by the curfew for minors, imposed by the mayor of the city in 8 neighborhoods, mostly inhabited by several generations of African emigrants.

The clash of civilizations in an orderly and tolerant Europe is so visible that no amount of verbiage can hide it. In these days of celebration of Christian values, we can sincerely wish to remain as we are!