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The police are inactive, and Roma beat with stakes and shovels a farmer who hit and killed a thief in Bolarino

Who are the perpetrators and is there a connection between the current aggression and the previous crime? Everyone in the Gadjanovi clan has been convicted

Nov 18, 2024 08:06 116

The police are inactive, and Roma beat with stakes and shovels a farmer who hit and killed a thief in Bolarino  - 1

With pitchforks, stakes and shovels, they attacked the Cypriot Dimitrakis Pirilis, who years ago hit and killed a thief in the village of Bolarino. According to the farmer, the attackers were close to the deceased. This was told by "New TV".

On footage released by the news portal, Dimitrakis and his wife can be seen in a car when several people start smashing the car and impaling them with stakes.

The story begins 6 years ago when a Cypriot citizen carelessly drove his car into his farm once again. He received a suspended sentence of one year and four months. Pirilis claims that for 10 years he has been the victim of various thefts from his farm, and during one of the last ones the house where he lives was set on fire.

After the latest attack, he called the police, but says no arrests have been made.

"I went to buy medicine from the pharmacy when ten people - young and old surrounded my car and started smashing it with sticks and pitchforks. They broke the windows, and one of the attackers hit me in the head with a pitchfork." Pirilis told a TrafficNews reporter at the time. He tried to escape in the car, but they stopped in front of the jeep. Dimitraki was hit several times on the back, shoulders and head.

A few days ago, the Cypriot provided footage of the attack to the media. The video clearly shows a man jabbing Dimitrakis with a pitchfork through the SUV window with all his might. In an attempt to escape, Pirilis gets out of the vehicle, but is chased by another man with a shovel and is hit more than once in the head.

„3 horses, a donkey and a pony were stolen from me 20 days ago. The harassment continues every day. When they see me or meet the woman I live with, they insult and threaten us," Pirilis told reporters.

The attack on Dimitrakis was not the first by the Gadjanovi clan. Already in June 2021, the Cypriot's wife was kicked and snatched in Belozem, again in front of the pharmacy. A report was submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

In the same period, animals were killed every day, and the goal was revenge. According to Perilis, the family of the murdered man wanted to challenge him. Killing for no reason, to make him stay the night at the farm to guard the animals. So it will be an easy target – in the dark and with just one blow to knock him down.

Everyone in the Gadjanov clan is condemned – Peter's mother and father, as well as his two brothers and a sister. It was the two brothers who also imposed poles and stakes on Pirilis and gutted his car.

The farmer filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office, and then a case was opened for damage to someone else's property. Materials were separated from this pre-trial proceeding and an investigation was started with a view to causing minor bodily harm due to hooliganism. The investigation ended with a refusal to initiate pre-trial proceedings, our media learned.

After an inquiry by our reporter, the state prosecution reported that the reason for the refusal to initiate pre-trial proceedings was that there were no hooligan motives for the act.

„In such a case, the injured person should file a complaint in the District Court if he so chooses – Plovdiv, since the cases for causing minor bodily injury are of a private nature. The decree on the refusal to initiate pre-trial proceedings was not appealed by Dimitrakis Pirilis”, according to the opinion of the District Prosecutor's Office.

However, the footage shows otherwise. Brutally hitting the car with a stake, repeatedly stabbing it with a pitchfork through an open window, and last but not least, forcing it on the head with a metal shovel. And all these actions are in broad daylight, in a populated area in the middle of a street. All these actions were documented by a video camera, and the footage shows the rage and self-interest.

Is this not hooliganism or is it just a “dispute”. It is a fact that we have repeatedly told our media about far milder cases that were determined to be petty hooliganism. Swearing or even attempting to hit costs a person a fine under the Anti-Petty Hooliganism Ordinance.

In the case of Dimitrakis, there is not even a fine for the persons who, for the third time, we will emphasize, have a thick criminal record and have been convicted. Does it have to result in serious bodily injury or death to establish that there are signs of hooliganism? We will leave the question open and wait for the next attack on Pyrilis.