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Today's weather, forecast for Wednesday, December 4: Remaining cloudy with light rain, fog in the plains

Minimum temperatures will be between 4° and 9°

Dec 4, 2024 03:00 162

Today's weather, forecast for Wednesday, December 4: Remaining cloudy with light rain, fog in the plains  - 1

Today will remain cloudy, in the plains and foggy, in some places with light rain, reported BNT.

The minimum temperatures will again be from 0° up to 5° - in Sofia around zero, and the maximum - as yesterday - between 4° and 9°, in Sofia - about 6°. A weak north-easterly will blow, in the eastern regions - to a moderate northerly wind.

Cloudiness will be significant along the Black Sea and in many places there will be light rain. The wind will be moderate with a direction from the north-northeast. Maximum temperatures will be around 8°-9°. The excitement of the sea will weaken to 2-3 points.

It will also be cloudy in the mountains, light snowfall is expected in many places. It will blow to a moderate wind with a direction from the northeast, along the ridge – from west-southwest.

Cloudy will remain until the end of the week, rain showers are expected in many areas, on the high fields – from rain and snow. The morning temperatures will be around zero, in some places a little below zero. The maximum will be from 5° to 10°, on Sunday they will rise slightly. It will be most dynamic during the weekends - then the precipitation will be in more places throughout the country, and in the high valley fields and in the Pre-Balkan, the rain will turn into snow.