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Weather today, forecast for Tuesday, December 10: Precipitation in Eastern Bulgaria

Maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 12°, in Sofia - around 7°, on the sea coast - from 8° to 14°

Dec 10, 2024 03:00 138

Weather today, forecast for Tuesday, December 10: Precipitation in Eastern Bulgaria  - 1

Rainfalls are expected again at night, mainly in southern Bulgaria. It will be mostly quiet with minimum temperatures across most of the country between 2° and 7°, in Sofia - about 2°, in Southeast Bulgaria - about 8°, on the sea coast – from 5° to 9°.

Precipitation will be intense in the morning hours in the southeastern regions, where thunderstorm activity is also expected.

During the day, in more places and more significant precipitation is expected in Eastern Bulgaria. But after noon, they will stop almost everywhere, and in some places the clouds will break.

Maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 12°, in Sofia - about 7°, on the seashore – from 8° to 14°.
In Eastern Bulgaria and along the Black Sea, a light wind will blow from the west-northwest.

Cloud cover will remain significant in the mountains. There will also be precipitation, the border between rain and snow will be at about 1300 meters above sea level.

Weak, moderate south-westerly wind will blow in the higher parts. No significant change in temperatures is expected.

In the coming days, there will be almost no precipitation, there will be sunny hours. Rain will fall lightly still in isolated places on Wednesday. After the relative warming, on Thursday the temperatures will go down.