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Weather today, forecast for Saturday, January 4: Sunny and almost quiet

Maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 12°

Jan 4, 2025 03:00 110

Weather today, forecast for Saturday, January 4: Sunny and almost quiet  - 1

Today will be sunny and almost quiet, BTA reported.

There will be fog in the valleys and lowlands, and around and after noon in most places there visibility will temporarily improve. The minimums in most places will be minus 5° to 0°, in individual valleys to minus 7° - minus 8°, along the Black Sea coast to 3°-4°. The prevailing maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 12°, in places with permanent fog lower, in Sofia - around 0°. Atmospheric pressure will slightly decrease, but will remain significantly higher than the average for the month.

Along the Black Sea coast it will be sunny with a light wind from the south-southwest. In the morning hours, there will be fog in some places. The maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 10°. The sea water temperature is 8°-9°. The sea waves will be 1-2 points.

In the mountains it will be sunny. A weak southwest wind will blow. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 7°, at 2000 meters - about 2°.

On Sunday it will be mostly sunny, in the morning hours in places in the lowlands and valleys it will be foggy. A weak to moderate wind will blow from the west-southwest and it will warm up. The prevailing minimum temperatures will be between minus 2° and 3°, and the maximum - between 10° and 15°, daytime temperatures will remain lower in areas with more permanent fog - between 4° and 8°. On Friday, the clouds from the west, medium and high, will increase and thicken. It will remain relatively warm for the beginning of January. (NIMH)