If we see that we cannot implement even part of our policies, we have no place in this government. We are not participating so that a certain number of people are appointed to certain positions. We want to see an active social policy, so that it does not lead to a reduction in expenses and a limitation of pensions. If there is a hole, it should be filled with higher revenues. This was stated by MEP Kristian Vigenin in the studio of "Offensive with Lyubo Ognyanov" on NOVA NEWS.
According to him, the parameters in the budget between the coalition partners are yet to be specified. "The other important priority is the management program. Obviously, we will not succeed within a month after signing the coalition agreement, but it will be ready in a short time. The continuation of military aid to Ukraine is still a problem for the BSP because it encourages conflict," he added. And he revealed that the Socialists will most likely have candidates for regulators.
Freezing the prices of goods, Vigenin believes, would lead to a deficit and losses for producers. "That is why we are proposing a limit on the trade markup, which guarantees that there will be no speculation at the expense of citizens. We are talking about 70 products from the small consumer basket," he explained.
At the beginning of the year, the MEP announced that he would run for chairman of the BSP because, in his words, "he has the best structured and generally the best ideas on how to develop the party." "I am the only one who publishes his views in writing. The BSP must manage to preserve its face by participating in a government with right-wing formations, and also carry out internal reforms in order to stand on solid ground and strengthen organizationally. And then be able to impose its policy in the joint government. Today, the National Council adopted guidelines for the development of the BSP, which are in this spirit. If they are followed, we can emerge from the government stronger, but the risks are enormous. The motto for my campaign is "For a stronger BSP together", commented Vigenin.
He believes that some of the proposed changes at the BSP Plenum were not urgent. "I am among the supporters of the direct election of the BSP leader. I voted against his removal. For me personally, it is a wrong decision for this to happen. There is nothing dramatic in how he will be elected, it is important for the party to stand on solid ground. We need solid leadership, because we are shaken, even though we are in power. "The direct election of the chairman is a democratic procedure," Vigenin was categorical.