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Weather today, forecast for Tuesday, February 18: Cold and cloudy, with snowfall

Maximum temperatures will be up to 2-3°, slightly higher in the extreme southwestern regions and along the Black Sea coast

Feb 18, 2025 03:26 93

Minimum temperatures today will be between minus 5 and 0°. In Sofia it will be around minus 5°, BNR reported.

It will remain cold, cloudy, with snowfall in most of the country, in the extreme southeastern regions – from rain. The snow cover will continue to increase, most in northeastern Bulgaria, where the new snow is expected to reach 25 cm.

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) has issued a second and first level warning – orange and yellow codes, for snowfall in Eastern Bulgaria.

As the day progresses, snowfall from the west will gradually begin to stop. Over the southwestern regions, the cloud cover will be broken. The maximum temperatures will be up to 2-3°, slightly higher in the extreme southwestern regions and along the Black Sea coast. In the capital, the maximum temperature will be around 0°.

It will be cloudy in the mountains with snowfalls, heavy in the Eastern Stara Planina. From the west, precipitation will gradually begin to stop, and over the southwestern massifs, the cloud cover will be broken. In the Eastern Stara Planina, the wind will be moderate from the south-southeast and in the passes there will be conditions for blizzards and drifts. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m will be minus 2°, at 2000 m - around minus 7°.

Along the Black Sea coast - cloudy with rain precipitation, along the northern coast - rain and snow. The maximum air temperatures will be between 1 and 5°. The sea temperature is around 6°. The sea waves will be 3-4 points.