We are the king of sabotaging the most valuable sectors we have and using them for political chewing gum. Now I observe that there is at least a little normality in the cabinet from the energy point of view“, said in “This Morning“ former Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov.
“The “Energy“ sector is being used for cheap political propaganda, which is unique nonsense“, he added.
In his words, the Recovery and Sustainability Plan is a very small part of the sector.
“The huge problem, if there is pocket-digging, is the way the “Energy“ sector is being managed in the last three years“, Nikolov pointed out.
On December 13, 2021, we enter the executive branch. 10 minutes later, the KEVR announces an increase in the price of electricity. In the meantime, there are post-COVID effects, lack of a mechanism to compensate businesses for high prices. Pro-inflationary processes that are moving not only in Bulgaria. The war in Ukraine began“, Nikolov recalled.
In his words, there were many important things to solve after that.
“The results of these decisions are very visible from the financial state of the system after we left in August 2022. Since it is very convenient for someone to be guilty, I will tell people that there are public documents that are available to everyone“, Nikolov said.
According to him, the transition in the “Energy“ sector it should happen very slowly, but there has been a lot of debate on this topic.