There is no money in the state. We are facing bankruptcy. "We are saving you with this budget", GERB, BSP, etc. are trumpeting in the media.
And they are hitting social payments (pensions, maternity), the private sector, consumers (prices and excise taxes up) and civil liberties (recording car license plates, wiretapping). And they are planning a new debt of 17 billion!!!
Kaloyan Metodiev warned about this on "Facebook".
Against this backdrop, the same majority of the "moneyless" voted for a 12% increase in their own deputies' salaries. Against this backdrop, they are paying for luxuries - a new government plane and a helicopter for 300 million. For wiretapping and security guards by 70% up. For the Supreme Judicial Council and the Constitutional Court up (for good results). For some, money increases sharply, and for the majority, it decreases sharply. This is a living definition of unjust and dishonest governance.
I don't like clichés, but in this case they are not just making people look like idiots, but making fun of them. Don't submit to obvious injustice!