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Yane Yanev: The Greeks are devouring our nice clean meat, and we are devouring the carcinogenic one

I am no longer excited about politics. The less I watch, the easier it is for me, the former party leader pointed out

Feb 23, 2025 11:14 113

I am no longer excited about politics. The less I watch, the easier it is for me. This is what Yane Yanev said on BNT. He was invited to comment in his capacity as a producer on the boycott of retail chains and the idea behind it - the fight against high prices. And who else is collecting the money and are the markups very large?

"This is some kind of sign that there is an extremely serious imbalance, but the problem is different. It is related to production. Bulgaria is at a bottom dead center in terms of the production of meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. Because of this production, as a bottom dead center, all these processes are happening. I haven't seen anything like that from any of the studios, including analysts who should have given an objective picture," Yanev replied.

In his words

things are very elementary, but no one is saying them.

"A series of questions arise throughout Bulgaria regarding meat. Almost all stores that sell meat and local products are branded with the label "unique Bulgarian meat, fresh Bulgarian meat". It is neither unique, nor Bulgarian, nor fresh," Yanev said in a high tone.

"When it leaves Argentina and Brazil and goes to the Netherlands, the carcass meat travels on ships for 3-4 months. It can't be Bulgarian because 97% of the beef in Bulgaria is imported. So how is it Bulgarian then, there's no way it's Bulgarian when this meat is cut up in the Netherlands and when the deadline comes - 3-5 days before it's scrapped and taken to the slaughterhouse, it arrives here.

Nobody says at what price it's invoiced. It's even scarier, because if you see all the documents about when it was made and at what price this meat comes in, you'll be shaking your head," the former politician and currently a farmer engaged in raising beef cattle continued to get angry.

"We don't realize that a huge part of harmful foods is a silent but sure poison. It's more dangerous than vapes. Thanks to this poison, cancer hospitals are full, problems with heart disease and diabetes are terrible. I have a feeling that if this continues, things will get even worse," Yanev said categorically.

Which meat is the most fake?

"I am in the industry. I can tell you that a huge part of the imported meat is 15-20 years old, ground in huge batches, one ton each, and Bulgarian sausages are made from it. I do a basic analysis of the vegetables, what is happening? I am ready to enter into a debate with anyone. For example, Bulgaria does not have the right to import plant protection products and veterinary medicines from Turkey.

However, it has the right to import vegetables that are sprayed with all sorts of things in Turkey. They come here and we gobble them up.

I know the whole history of these products, they are extremely poisonous. They are banned in the EU, but the vegetables that are sprayed with them come from Turkey and we eat them, we give them to our children," Yanev explained.

Do you know what medications animals are treated with in Argentina? This comes here as fresh meat - he got even angrier.

Our calves go to Kosovo, Albania and Greece

"So the Greeks eat nice clean meat, and we eat carcinogenic meat that is 30 years old. And the competent authorities cannot see the documents. How can the meat be Bulgarian, when there are no Bulgarian animals? This has never existed during all the regimes. Out of 11 million sheep, we have one million. We only have half a million cows. If there is martial law and we close down for a month, we will die of hunger. We don't even meet the UN standards," Yanev described the situation in our country.

"This is the chatter of people who don't understand anything and don't lead to anything positive. If there is a good team, they will check who the lobbyists are to see who the big importers of foreign raw materials are. When they see who they are, who their commission agents are and how the trucks cross the border," Yanev said.

Have you heard about the recent years of smuggled meat?

"The scheme has been changed. It is called internal community acquisition. This production enters through this scheme, fills the throats of the commission agents, they are connected to the largest producers who supply the large chains. The dog is buried there. If someone wants to do something, they have to follow this chain," Yanev explained.

"There is no traceability. There are no real checks to establish the origin. And since Bulgarian production has been liquidated, they have to allow these products to fill their shelves.

There are no animals, but there is milk, cheese, meat. Let's not be magicians. Let's not print it. These are outrages. The state is doing three and a half. In the control bodies for fifty times more than necessary. The administrative burdens on farmers are terrible," Yanev also said.

"Do you hear what you are saying? These are people who have never set foot in the field, have not had a single day in the proceedings and start inspections and writing acts. How so? To become a judge in a court you need 10 years of practice. To become a ladybug official, nothing is required, just to be someone's man. How can things be fixed?", the former politician continued to get angry.

Politicians should think about what to do to stimulate Bulgarian production, concluded Yane Yanev.