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Weather today, forecast for Monday, March 3: Significant cloudiness over most of the country

Maximum temperatures will be between 6° and 11°

Mar 3, 2025 05:39 82

Weather today, forecast for Monday, March 3: Significant cloudiness over most of the country  - 1

Today there will be significant cloudiness over most of the country, BNR reported.

Rain and snow will fall in isolated places. A weak, moderate northerly wind will blow in Eastern Bulgaria. Minimum temperatures will be between minus 1° and 4°, in Sofia - minus 1°, maximum - between 6° and 11°, in Sofia - 7°.

In the mountains there will also be significant cloudiness, but only in isolated places will it snow. A weak to moderate, moderate to strong north-northeasterly wind will blow in the highest parts of Rila and Pirin. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m will be about 2°, at 2000 m – about minus 4°.

On the Black Sea coast it will be mostly cloudy, but almost without precipitation. A moderate north wind will blow. The maximum temperatures will be 6°-7°, and at sea water – 5°-6°. The sea waves will be 2-3 points with a tendency to weaken.