"A budget is also being adopted in the Netherlands. The country is one of the richest in the world and a net donor in the EU. The coalition government has adopted a program for budget cuts from things like receptions, business trips, external services (outsourcing) in order to save money. The goal is to save 1 billion euros from unnecessary expenses by 2029. Ministries should cut such expenses by 22%", Kaloyan Metodiev wrote on his Facebook profile.
A budget is currently being adopted in our country as well. From the government elected by the parties, which have already been proven by the courts to have stolen and falsified the elections. Our budget included a freeze on social security payments, an increase in social security contributions, zero incentives for business, and luxuries for the ruling elite (a new plane and helicopter), new cars, security guards, increased budgets for wiretapping and the Supreme Judicial Council, an increase in MP salaries, expensive business trips with no added value...
In this context, and in the midst of the scandal with the failed hosting of UNESCO, which will be held in Paris, the Minister of Culture Marian Bachev and Vice President Iliana Yotova arranged a state visit to the London Book Fair. With a three-day entertainment program and photo shoots like the “Oscars”. They drilled into our ears that the country had no money and that belts had to be tightened. The people should tighten their belts, while others on the red carpet at their expense. They don't care about anything! Neither from the failure with UNESCO, which Bulgarian taxpayers have to pay to the French, nor from the anti-social and anti-business budget, nor from the stolen elections, nor from the situation in the country. We will not achieve growth, development and justice with such rulers. All this needs to be uprooted!