One of the important stages in the development of human history is the acquisition of skills for depicting the surrounding space through maps and plans. The so-called Great Geographical Discoveries gave rise to the globalization of world development, after which geographical maps became more complete and more accurate. Initial attempts were made to systematize the accumulated data. On this basis, ideas about the world underwent revolutionary, qualitative changes.
"Today we are witnessing a new, revolutionary boom in geodetic and cartographic technologies, which are mainly used in modern GIS, part of which is the unified electronic cadastral map of the Republic of Bulgaria. Today, no one even thinks about who creates the georeferenced data in these huge arrays, when viewing or working with electronic topographic or other maps on the Internet? Geodesy is a conservative but also a global science, it is guided by universal principles, based on universal mathematical models and takes full advantage of the most modern technical achievements related to the earth, space and their inextricable connection", says Eng. Valentin Yovev, former Deputy Minister of MRDPW and Head of the Agency for Geodesy, Cadastre and Cartography.
Geospatial information is what has changed the paradigm of our modern life and is a driving force of economic growth. Accurate and comprehensive geospatial data are the key to success, but the foundation on which they stand is detailed surveys and accurate geodetic measurements.
The romantic period of geodetic surveys is irrevocably in the past, which of course many colleagues are sad and happy about because of the enormous technological progress, and today we are witnessing solutions to super accurate navigation problems, without the geodesists ever setting foot in the field. Unfortunately, this significant progress does not always serve constructive purposes, and often even small coordinate errors turn out to have fatal consequences and only then do we wonder where the geodesists are, why this and that happened. God forbid, these problems are related to disasters or accidents, flights, humanitarian crises, wars and the data is wrong or even just inaccurate.
"The new agreement to establish the UN Global Geodetic Center of Excellence with the host Federal Republic of Germany, located on the UN campus in Bonn, is a fact from March 29, 2023, but it is a pity that in this center they have not even heard that the great GEODESY exists in small BULGARIA. The same is true with the GEO SS organization, as well as with the activities of the European Space Agency EKA, of which we are not yet a full member, and at the same time the Bulgarian Commissioner in the EC is responsible for sectoral policies on startups, innovation and research. There is still time! Today we celebrate and look forward with the hope that one day, as technologies in the world move forward and upward at breakneck speed, geodesy from a narrow specialty turns into an interdisciplinary practice, where the border of profanation and narrow, special knowledge will lead to an increasingly complete integration of our brother geodesist with world geomatics," says Eng. Yovev. Then, Bulgarian geodetic science and practice will find its worthy place in the geocosmic history of the world. More and more people are beginning to understand all this.
Is there a modern person who does not use, but also creates geospatial data. Today we are witnessing a fabulous development of technologies in geosciences. In a world that increasingly relies on high-precision measurements and location-based services, the sustainability of the Global Geodetic Reference Frame /GGRF/ is more important than ever. However, its quality, accuracy and accessibility are at risk of failure due to a number of complex issues. These include a lack of geodetic infrastructure, poor accessibility in some regions, reliance on in-kind contributions rather than direct funding, and insufficient collaboration and coordination. In the longer term, addressing all of these can achieve the long-term sustainability and quality of the GGRF by delivering improvements that are largely state-driven in five focus areas:
➢ Governance
➢ Geodetic Infrastructure
➢ Policies and Standards
➢ Education, Training and Capacity Development
➢ Communication, Engagement and Outreach
There are many, many colleagues, participants involved in maintaining the GGRF, including: the state through the AGKK, we have many of our regional committees, the private sector, academia, as well as several professional geodetic organizations. Despite the contribution of all these groups, without exception, there remains a lack of global cooperation and coordination. This is largely due to the fact that geodetic products have traditionally served only small specialized user groups - the legal cadastre, for example. We lack a unit of experts, with some international experience, to provide strategic advice on the necessary guidelines and advice for the development, implementation, review and control of the work and priorities of the geodetic agency. Modern technological growth was unthinkable only 20-30 years ago and this revolutionary development requires adequate state management of the processes and policies implemented.
"I think that these are the golden days of geodesy and the Bulgarian young generation of geodesists will bring the olive tree of our future. We believe in them!", concludes Eng. Yovev.
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