Forty days before the Savior was born, Orthodox Christians serve meatless dishes on their table to prepare for this most - a holy holiday. But if the physical deprivations are not accompanied by repentance, pious thoughts, philanthropic actions and encouraging words to our neighbor, we will have fasted in vain, because we will not meet the Nativity of Christ with a purified heart, soul and body.
Today (15.11) begins the Christmas fast, through which God calls us to repent of our sins. We find references to such abstinence even in the Old Testament – Moses fasted 40 days and nights before receiving God's Ten Commandments; Prophet Elijah saw God's glory after a strict fast; John the Baptist became famous as the strictest fasting person. However, the confirmation of the 40-day fast associated with the Nativity of our Lord took place only in the twelfth century.
According to church statutes, on the eve of Lent, Christmas fasts are celebrated, during which the faithful ask each other for forgiveness and fast with blessed food. During the next 40 days, they consume only plant food except for the Introduction of the Virgin (November 21) and Nicholas Day (December 6), when fish is also allowed.
The Christmas fasts begin
With them, God calls us to repent of our sins
Nov 15, 2023 06:11 33