According to Bulgarian beliefs, today - February 3, is the winter Simeonovden.
Winter Simeonovden, as well as the winter Virgin Mary, are mainly honored by pregnant women, young brides and mothers. According to which person will come to the house first, it is guessed what kind of livestock will be born - male or female.
Winter Simeonovden is considered one of the worst days of the year. Somewhere it is called Simeon the Notebook, because it marks people, leaves them wounds and scars. That is why the belief says that one should not pick up a sharp object today.
February 3rd is the third wolf holiday, then no wool is worked on, no ashes and garbage are thrown outside, so as not to anger the wolves and attack the herds.
In folk memory, February 1st, 2nd and 3rd are called Wolf Holidays, Trifuntsi or Mratintsi. They are dedicated to the wolf and a number of ritual rites are observed: women do not knit, do not spin, do not weave, do not wash. Other prohibitions characteristic of the other Tryphontsi are also observed.
The holiday probably appeared relatively later in the folklore tradition, because its ritual can hardly be separated from the days preceding it.
Tradition dictates that on Simeonovden nothing should be lent or taken out of the house, so that "blessings do not leave the house".
Name days are celebrated by: Simeon, Simeon, Simon, Simona, Simo, Sima, Simana, Mona.