On today's date - March 9, the church honors the 40 soldiers from the Armenian regiment in the city of Sebastia, who after cruel torture died for their faith during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Licinius (IV century).
The holiday is also known as the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia, the Holy Four, St. four, Mladentsi.
A name day is celebrated by all those who bear the names Mladen, Mladena, Mladenka, Gordan, Goryan, Goryanka.
Vivian and Viviana are also celebrated, since the name is of Latin origin and means "alive", "living".
Rites and traditions
The folk belief that the sun turns to summer, the weather warms up and all the bugs, snakes and lizards come out of their holes is associated with this day.
Forty red peppers stuffed with beans are placed on the festive table, as well as 40 sarmi with rice. 40 glasses of wine and 40 glasses of brandy are poured. 40 bites are eaten and 40 sips of water are drunk. On this day, the farmer sows 40 roots and everything is caught.
Among the customs of the holiday, the ritual chasing of snakes and lizards occupies a central place. All actions in this rite have a protective meaning - lighting fires, jumping over them, hitting iron objects and calling: "Run, snakes and lizards, 40 paces".
On this day, one should not pull a thread so that snakes do not get caught, and the name of the reptiles is not mentioned.