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Thanks, but it was enough

"Positano" had ideas, but lacked ideology and executors

Jun 13, 2024 14:43 205

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Cornelia Ninova resigned as chairman of the BSP. I read the news headline, but didn't read any further. This with the election debacle and the exit was something predetermined…

Then I was told that the especially gifted cadres of the old guard and the youth movement rushed to publicly insult their comrade and leader. They, like their fathers and grandfathers, are married to power… There is such a profession - son-in-law. And now these wretches feel lied to and misunderstood… The road from the high-turned nose to the brain is long, so the vanguards cannot yet realize that the ballots for them were released rather by momentum, the unfortunate result is too much for them. But such are their morals and party discipline.

In 1989, coup plotters used the party to overthrow the state… She brought many evils and disappointments to the Bulgarians. There was nothing socialist about this gathering of scumbags. The last inhabitant of "Positano" tried to bring politics closer to the people… The act was brave, I would say – chivalrous… At the beginning I sympathized with her, I would have liked the efforts made to have a result… Because socialism is the system that puts the person in the foreground – the pursuit of good, the development and well-being of society. But miracles do not happen in our unfortunate colony.

Normal political activity presupposes the presence in the country of a number of conditions: national sovereignty, effective justice, a strong army, industry, education… The masters of the West do not need these things.

There are no frames. Bulgarian men and women with honor and reason disappeared from the administration. And how to fight for national approval with the geeks around?!

The appearance of Cornelia Ninova in the leadership of the BSP was like a fresh new beginning. Educated. With extensive experience. An excellent speaker. He knows how to attract and unite people. Elsewhere, a politician like her would achieve a lot for his country… In our country, she was like that violet from the fairy tale that blossomed in the icy wasteland and tried to bring spring…

I disagreed with many of her decisions. In my opinion, the leader showed meekness in front of the internal opposition. He chose unsuitable candidates for leadership positions. He did not call on sympathizers to support the protests in 2020. It was shameful that the Besseparian party participated in Kircho's government. We knew that there they would steal like unseen… But to bring Bulgaria into the war against Russia – this is unforgivable! On "Positano" there were ideas, but ideology and executors were lacking.

Thank you, Mrs. Ninova, for the smile and determination! And for the fleeting hope! But it's good that you're leaving… There's no need to watch the party's latest convulsions! This instrument of the colonial administration only dishonored our motherland and bright ideas. It obscured the bright memory of the thousands of Bulgarians who fought for justice and equality, built the new life… And enslaved their descendants. That's enough!