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And the democratizers rolled up their sleeves

Georgia is preparing for elections. The CIA too. Poor proud Caucasians

Aug 12, 2024 15:04 418

And the democratizers rolled up their sleeves  - 1
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Georgia is preparing for elections. CIA – too. Poor proud Caucasians – the fighters for universal prosperity and people's rule in the world jumped together against them! They weren't supposed to be their opponents, on the contrary, but suddenly it turned out that something in the relationship had gone wrong.

The argument broke out over votes in the parliament in Tbilisi on the law "On the transparency of foreign influence". It includes the requirement that local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) report their income and expenses every year (see note 1). The initiative is correct, especially since in spirit it follows the "Package for the Protection of Democracy" approved on 12.12.2023 by the European Commission, which regulates the same issue in the EU. Similar acts, at the same time much stricter, operate in the USA, Israel, Australia, Canada. Soon something similar will be adopted in France.

Here it is necessary to clarify that 25,000 NGOs are actively operating in Georgia (with a population of 3,716,000 people!). Ninety percent of them are financed from abroad, and there is a lack of information on where and for what exact purposes the money comes from. Concern for the rights and freedoms of residents is oversaturated - simple arithmetic shows that there is one association for every 149 of them. This is called humanism!... Or rather – selfishness? There is probably a Bulgarian trace in this affair, because functionaries from our non-state structures have been visiting the mountain republic for a long time to exchange experience. Once upon a time, our country was known for the specialists who helped in different corners of the world – doctors, engineers, builders… And now the idlers are carrying the torch of European "values".

Here the impatient reader will probably interrupt me: "Okay, but if the Georgian law copies the Western analogues, why did the more progressive part of humanity rebel against it?". And I share his bewilderment. I think there are two possible answers…

The first, deeply philosophical: it happened because our world is driven by emotions. The concentration of intelligence in it is comparable to the water content of Martian canals. But let's also not forget that usually someone's cunning plan is hidden behind the mass stupidity.

The second is identical, but more verbose… The motives of those dissatisfied with the normative act are that it puts Georgia's friends and enemies under a common denominator and hinders the country's integration into the EU. Therefore, he is pro-Russian. The defense of statehood and the protection of morality – this is all from the evil one, that is, it was planned in the Kremlin. They twist the thoughts of the globalists interestingly! According to them, the money of Western foundations, used to impose total control over humanity, is given from the best of motives and smells like flowers and freshly cut grass. In fact, for this reason, the lawyers of the European Commission discussed for a long time the content of the "Package for the protection of democracy" - how to divide the funds coming into the accounts of European non-governmental organizations into "correct" and "bad"? Although, when it comes to their own pockets, Brussels officials are not so picky.

After all, the USA, the EU, the UN, the Council of Europe and NATO stood in defense of the Gototankers, who were pushing foreign and harmful interests in their homeland. They slander and put pressure on the legally elected government and the majority of people's representatives. They are accused of anti-Western and anti-European rhetoric. Defending the independence of your country is now a crime. This is the pinnacle of democratic values – naturally, if democracy is taken to be power over the unwilling and dumbed-down herd of cosmopolitans!

It is also surprising that the military cares about the laws of countries – non-members of their organization… But in occupied Europe anything is possible. Lots of interesting things to come here.

And a fact about the divorced consciousness of servants. Representatives of the Baltic countries regularly criticize Tbilisi for not joining the economic war against Russia. The Georgian opposition readily repeats these accusations. However, the data of "Eurostat" show that the relative share of exports of goods from the border regions (former western provinces) in the Moscow metropolitan area increased after the war began, as follows: for Lithuania in 2021 it was 10.85%, and in 2023 it became 13.8%, Latvia for the specified period has seen growth from 7.28% to 28.5%, Estonia – from 6.39% to 12.4%.

The leaders of the ruling party "The Georgian Dream– democratic Georgia» are counting on getting 60 percent of the electoral vote on the ballot this fall. But as they say: "Man guesses, Uncle Sam commands". And the democratizers rolled up their sleeves. Their first aim is the universal destruction of political independence. In the European Union, it does not exist for a long time – even in Hungary… While V. Orbán was taking pictures with D. Trump, the leader of his opposition, some spineless Shekesh – Mekesh, hastened to declare that he was submitting to the militaristic plans of the in-laws in Brussels. There is no point in talking about our colonial administration.

They reprimanded the disobedient government of the Caucasian republic, and then punishments came.

The procedure for accepting the country into the EU has been stopped.

Euro officials have frozen 30 million euros intended for the needs of the Georgian Ministry of Defense.

Sheraz Ghasri, the French ambassador in Tbilisi, announced that her country is ending financial aid to the mountaineers' state budget. She also stated: "We will increase support for civil societies and mass media". Notice – according to Western measures, there are no longer nations protected by international law, but a collection of groups controlled from outside! In a wicked irony, these threats against independence were made on Bastille Day. And the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, was genuinely surprised when he heard that Paris was sending money to the state treasury. He added that for two years he has been warning the West about the harm of supporting radical opposition groups.

I would like to add that in the Caucasus, France is pursuing the same policy of playing with antisocial elements, as a result of which the Middle East flared up a few years ago. It is shameful that we were complicit in these crimes, arming the Islamists who went against the official authorities, sending soldiers to guard the territories seized by the West. Undoubtedly, if necessary, we will repeat this unfortunate mistake again… Our story is a spiral – some feudal lords once helped the Turkish invaders to destroy the strongholds of their Christian neighbors, and then together they stormed Constantinople… We always serve someone against our interests and blood. And it is a small consolation that now we are not the only janissaries - the modern regime stamps millions of similar biocopies all over the world.

The United States also supports the "Georgian National Legion", whose monsters have been terrorizing the population of Donbas since 2014. By the way, a partner of this illegal military unit is the youth organization of the Republican Party – "Young America's Foundation" (YAF).

The globalists have turned the world into a broken yard. In Georgia, they don't even talk to their people, integrated into the official power structures, but to solve the issues they turn directly to the local non-governmental organizations. So, for example, former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, during his visit to Tbilisi, ignored official meetings and preferred to communicate with "Open Society", "International Transparency– Georgia» and other similar associations that duplicate the functions of the state administration and gradually take control over the population.

The British also conducted operations to weaken official power in Tbilisi and to manipulate public opinion. At their disposal are a number of organizations such as "Zink Network", "Albany", BBC, "British Council", TRF, CSSF – some well known in our country as well.

Management of consciousness and spirituality is man's most vile invention. Westerners have specialized in its application. And sodomites are now their favorite tool. In the Caucasus, despite the resistance of the citizens, these sick people persistently propagate their criminal movement, especially among children.

Another front has been opened against the Georgian Orthodox Church. Globalists want to discredit and isolate her. In the fight against Christian identity, they use religious NGOs and sects. The liberal opposition pushes Western "values". A way is being sought to replace Patriarch Ilia II, revered by the majority of residents.

And to summarize. The hype surrounding the Georgian law on non-governmental organizations is misplaced. There is nothing restrictive or startling in the document, in my opinion it is even toothless - and the organizers of the campaign know this well… They don't worry about their possession either – the country will not get out of their influence. And even if it comes out – where will it go? The democratizers simply want to publicly punish the rulers in Tbilisi. Let everyone see what happens to the subordinates who challenge the directives handed down from above! Protests, pogroms, chaos... Or a coup. There is a remedy for every stubborn person.

Basically, if the mentioned soft measures do not work, the country can be blown up. We remember what happened in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and we spit in our bosoms. Georgia also has its weaknesses… For example, Adjara. But that is already a topic for another conversation.


1. Basic provisions of the Georgian law "On the transparency of foreign influence":

Only the registration of organizations promoting the interests of a foreign power and the transparency of their financing is required. Their activity is not limited.

For organizations promoting the interests of a foreign power, only those legal entities that receive more than 20 percent of their annual income in the form of cash or other property from a foreign power are accepted.

If the organization meets the relevant criteria, it must itself apply to the National Agency for the Public Register to be registered. The registration procedure is free.

Entities included in the Register of Organizations Promoting the Interests of a Foreign Power are required to electronically fill in a financial statement for the previous year.

Organizations that advance the interests of a foreign power can be:

Non-profit legal entity

Radio station, TV channel

Legal entity owning printed publications

A legal entity that owns or uses a Georgian domain and/or hosting for distributing information on the Internet in the Georgian language

Foreign power is:

Subject included in the government system of a foreign country

A natural person who is not a citizen of Georgia

A legal entity that is not incorporated according to the requirements of Georgian legislation

Legal entity (foundation, association, union, corporation, etc.) or other association of people registered under foreign legislation