Sorosoid has become an offensive word because people have no thought for Bulgaria. George Soros overestimated himself and thought that this wave of "Open Society" would spread around the world and create something like a new world order, a new civil society in place of the old systems from the Cold War, commented the first executive director of "Open Society" in our country, Rumen Vodenicharov, in an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio.
"But Soros was given a serious rebuff in Asia, where he tried to destroy the Malaysian currency. Then there was a president who held a World Bank conference in Singapore and gave such a speech, calling him a financial speculator and that people like him are not Robin Hood, they take from the poor and put it in their pockets," Vodenicharov, a former spokesman for the UDF, recounted his memories.
According to him, the people who still work for Soros today betray the interests of Bulgaria:
"There are enough people to work for Soros - one Dimitar Ludzhev, cultured and educated. Who allowed the UDF to run for elections a second time without being registered as a party? Mainly him, with pressure from the British and American embassies. I could talk for hours about the Bulgarian Communist Party. They are directly harmful and there is no one who loves the organization. There is a Center for Ethnic Interactions, a Center for Liberal Economics, etc. There are 10 centers and they are like a stepping stone for the growth of Sorosoids in politics", commented Rumen Vodenicharov.
He told where and how George Soros gave money to Bulgarian institutions, including the court, how non-governmental organizations were created, etc.
"In the early 1990s, we easily met George Soros. As a spokesman for the UDF, I had the opportunity to speak on television twice, unlike Georgi Spasov, who was there every night. And after a rally in front of the BNB, two from the US embassy - one William Montgomery, later became ambassador, came to me at "Tsarigradsko". They told me that they liked the speech, the only constructive one, and "would you like to take part in the creation of the "Open Society" foundation in Bulgaria. "Then they recommended me to the Helsinki Committee in New York, where George Soros, Arthur Miller and a number of other smart Jews were members," Vodenicharov said.