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What is Giorgia Meloni's secret?

Italy enjoys a stability that many other European countries can only dream of

Dec 16, 2024 18:33 195

What is Giorgia Meloni's secret?  - 1

Italy enjoys a stability that many other European countries can only dream of. What is Giorgia Meloni's secret?

She has been governing Italy for over two years now. And if you ask her what her government has achieved during that time, Giorgia Meloni will answer you with one word - stability. "Stability guarantees this nation international authority, guarantees it the ability to have a strategy and a vision. It also guarantees the ability to keep the accounts, in a word: guarantees the authority without which prosperity is impossible", assures the Italian Prime Minister.

Her party enjoys strong support

Meloni's party "Brothers of Italy" enjoys solid support - its approval rating in opinion polls is 29 percent. However, serious cracks have appeared in the ruling three-party coalition with "Forza Italia" and "Lega" due to unresolved disputes, and several reform projects are in question, such as the autonomy of the regions.

Political scientist Sofia Ventura from the University of Bologna believes that this does not damage Meloni's authority: "She is strong because none of her allies are eager to plunge this government into crisis. Because they have no alternative. She also draws strength from the momentary weakness of the Italian left, especially the Democratic Party," Ventura points out, quoted by ARD.

Meloni is proud of her international influence

Meloni believes that her country has taken a better path, for example when it comes to jobs or healthcare, and internationally her right-wing government now has greater influence. In this regard, the ARD recalls that Raffaele Fito from Meloni's party was appointed Vice-President of the European Commission.

"Only a few months ago in Europe it was unthinkable for a conservative to occupy such a high position in the European institutions", Meloni pointed out. "There was a kind of cordon around those who were not leftists or who were not allies of the left. We broke this model and thus helped Europe to respect the popular vote more", the ARD quotes the Italian head of government as saying.

"More American than European"

Sofia Ventura expects that Meloni will only continue to expand her influence internationally: "Overall, she is more American than European, in the sense that she does not see Europe as a structure that needs to be increasingly integrated." She is very distrustful of the European integration process, Ventura said.

Meloni's loyalty is more to the United States. "Even more so now that Donald Trump is returning to the White House. She has a cultural and ideological connection with him," the political scientist added to ARD.

A connection that Trump seems to feel as well. He has already praised her for being fantastic - both as a person and as a leader, the German public-law media outlet also points out.