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Temperature records in Turkey


Jan 16, 2025 20:26 136

The highest temperature measured in Turkey last year was 47.8 degrees Celsius, and the lowest - minus 34.3 degrees Celsius, according to data from the country's General Directorate of Meteorology, cited by the private CNN-Turk television.

The record heat was measured on June 20 in the southeastern Turkish province of Şanlıurfa, and the coldest - in Ardahan, northeastern Turkey, on February 29.

The highest daily rainfall value was recorded in the Mediterranean province of Antalya on February 13, when 297.7 liters of rain fell per square meter.

The greatest thickness of the snow cover of 247 cm was measured in the province of Van on March 6, and the wind blew the strongest, at a speed of 153.4 kilometers per hour, on December 28 in the northeastern province of Trabzon.

The statistics are based on data from 2,059 observation stations across the country.