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Slavi Trifonov on the postponement of the mandate: Today PP-DB did something perverted! ITN will not be just a rubber st

Which legal genius is behind this proposal, asks the ITN leader

Jul 15, 2024 20:30 173

I will tell you something. Many times I have said to myself “It can't get any worse“ and then it gets worse. Living in the current political chaos, I told myself again that it couldn't get any worse, and it did.

This commented on "Facebook" Slavi Trifonov.

Today PPDB did something perverted. They went to the President and tried to hide behind his back to cover up their utter helplessness and failure as mandate holders. They went to hide behind the man they declared a “Putinist”. This is so pitiful that it brings sadness to my soul. And now to the point.

What else did PPDB ask for?

They asked the political parties in the National Assembly to support their declaration which envisages a package of seven anti-corruption laws (very interesting how the tutu in the drawer and the tutu poodle will work together against corruption), changes to the Judiciary Act , for personal bankruptcy, for the election of a new ombudsman, for service reform, etc.

A few things can and should be said here.


After listing the seven proposed laws, the following sentence is inserted:

„The people's representatives, supporting the current Declaration for the exit from the political crisis, call on the President to postpone the handing over of the second mandate for 3 months, so that the above bills and decisions can be voted on.“ End of quote.

I don't know which legal “genius“ created this sentence, but it practically means that the deputies must ask the President to violate the Constitution by not handing over the second mandate to form a government for three months. I will tell you right away that according to experts in constitutional law, if the President allows himself to do this and postpones the handing over of the mandate, it can be a reason to start an impeachment procedure, because of a gross violation of the constitutional provisions. I don't know about you, but the President and his team don't look like fools to me. Nor are the ITN deputies stupid enough to call the head of state for unconstitutional actions. And something else. Apparently, Kiril Petkov thinks that having already violated the Constitution once, this gives him the right to violate it again.


PPDB did not think at all that very soon the Constitutional Court will rule on the legality of the changes made by them to the Constitution, and if they turn out to be unconstitutional as they are, then their proposed method of electing the Anti-Corruption Commission will turns out to be pointless and illegal. The proposed new Law on the Judiciary will also be unconstitutional.


Deputies from Ima Takiv Narod will support this declaration if the unconstitutional calls in it are removed and will actively participate in the drafting of those laws that will eventually turn out to be unconstitutional.

And fourth!

Something very important. The ITN will not just be a rubber stamp of the laws proposed by the PPDB. We will examine the bills and decisions made, discuss them with our legal experts and make the necessary suggestions and corrections. Because the laws in this country should serve the people, not a handful of party functionaries.