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Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 1: Significant precipitation of rain and snow

Maximum temperatures will be from 4 to 9°, along the Black Sea to 10-12°

Dec 1, 2024 03:00 76

Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 1: Significant precipitation of rain and snow  - 1

Today it will keep cloudy, but mainly in the southwestern half of the country it will rain, in the high fields – mixed with snow, BNT reported. Rainfall will be significant in the Rilo-Rhodope region.

It will be moderate, in Eastern Bulgaria and the Upper Thracian lowland - a temporarily strong northeast wind. Minimum temperatures will be between 2 and 7°,

The maximum – from 4 to 9°, slightly higher in the extreme eastern regions. In Sofia, the temperature will be without a significant daily trend – the minimum and maximum will be around 3-4°.

It will also be cloudy along the Black Sea, with showers mainly along the southern coast. It will be windy, with a temporarily strong northeasterly wind. Maximum temperatures will be around 10-12°. The excitement of the sea will be dangerously strong - about 4 bales.

Rain will continue in the mountains. Below 1000 meters of altitude, it will be mixed - both from rain and from snow. It will also be very windy with a strong, temporarily stormy wind from the east-southeast on the high peaks.

In the coming days, it will be cloudy more often, the temperatures will not change significantly. On Monday, the precipitation in Western and Central Bulgaria will stop even before noon, but in Eastern Bulgaria it will continue in the following days, already weak and mainly due to rain.