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Weather today, forecast for Monday, December 16: Sunny but windy

Maximum temperatures will be between 5° and 10°

Dec 15, 2024 20:07 177

Weather today, forecast for Monday, December 16: Sunny but windy  - 1

Windy weather will persist today, especially in the Danube Plain, with a temporarily strong northwest wind, BNT reported.

Minimum temperatures will be from minus 3° to 2°, and maximums - between 5° and 10°, in Sofia - around 5°. Sunny weather will prevail in the afternoon, with more significant increases in cloudiness in Northern Bulgaria.

Sunny but very windy will be along the Black Sea Coast. A moderate and strong northwest wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be from 7° to 9°. The sea level will remain around 2-3 points.

In the mountains the cloudiness will be variable, more significant after noon in the Balkan Mountains. Precipitation is not expected. It will be windy there too. Moderate and strong winds will blow from the north-northwest.

It will be sunny in most of the Balkans. Significant cloudiness will remain in the northern regions, but precipitation is not expected there either.

In the coming days it will be more often sunny, at the beginning of the new week it will remain windy. On Wednesday the wind will weaken and on Thursday and Friday morning visibility will be reduced in the lowlands and valleys. Minimum temperatures will be positive, and maximums will be from 10° to 15°. On Friday, cloudiness will increase during the day and rain will begin from the west, which will cover the entire country on Saturday night.