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Weather today, forecast for Monday, December 23: Cloudy and windy

Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 4° and 9°

Dec 23, 2024 04:42 140

Weather today, forecast for Monday, December 23: Cloudy and windy  - 1

Today will be cloudy and windy, BNR reported.

A moderate wind will blow, north of the mountains and in Eastern Bulgaria - a temporarily strong wind from the south-southeast. After lunch in Western Bulgaria, and by the evening in Central Bulgaria, precipitation will begin, significant in Southwestern Bulgaria and the southern regions of Haskovo and Kardzhali regions. In the Fore-Balkans and the high western fields it will snow, in the rest of the country - rain, but by the evening in the remaining regions in Western Bulgaria the rain will turn into snow.

The maximum temperatures will be mostly between 4° and 9°, in Sofia - around 3°. The precipitation will continue during the night towards Tuesday.

In the mountains it will be cloudy, windy and with snowfall. The quantities will be significant in the massifs in Southwestern Bulgaria and the Rhodope Mountains. A moderate and strong wind will blow from the south-southwest. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 3°, at 2000 meters - about minus 2°.

Before noon on the Black Sea coast, the cloud cover will be broken, but after noon it will increase and it will be mostly cloudy, it will remain without precipitation. A moderate, temporarily strong wind will blow from the south-southeast. The maximum temperatures will be between 7° and 10°. The temperature of the sea water is 10°-12°.