A major accident on a main heating pipeline on “Tsvetan Lazarov” Blvd., near the intersection with “Christopher Columbus” Blvd., will require a temporary suspension of heat supply in nine neighborhoods in the capital. For several days, the company's emergency teams have been working on the compromised heating pipeline in an attempt to solve the problem without isolating the section, but the accident is serious and its elimination will require a shutdown of the heat supply on the morning of February 13, 2025.
The affected neighborhoods will be: “Hristo Smirnenski” residential area, “Geo Milev” residential area, „Yavorov”, „Podue-Center”, „Reduta”, „Iztok”, „Dianabad”, „Lozenets” and part of „Druzhba-1” residential area.
„An organization has been created in the event of a shutdown of the main heating pipeline to additionally carry out emergency repairs on main and main heating pipelines, the repairs of which are associated with the shutdown of a large number of ACs supplying the affected neighborhoods. The goal is to limit the areas of possible future disruptions to the heat supply as much as possible“, the company announced.
Emergency repairs will be carried out on „Geo Milev” Str. at the intersection with ul. „22-ri septembri”, on ul. „General Jose De San Martin” at the intersection with ul. „Svetlostruy”, on ul. „James Boucher” in the area of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and the Faculty of Physics, on ul. „Stoyan Mihaylovski” near the intersection with ul. „Zlatovrukh”, on ul. „Nezabravka” at the intersection with ul. „Elemag”, in the garden of „Ploshad na aviatsiya”, in the residential area „Druzhba-1” next to bl. 95, added from „Toplofikatsiya“.
„Emergency failures in the network are unpredictable and without prior indication of defects and are the result of the long-term operation and depreciation of the heat transfer infrastructure. We understand the inconvenience and serious difficulties that will be created for Sofia residents, especially in the conditions of cold winter days. This is an emergency situation that requires urgent and coordinated actions on our part and we are doing the impossible to solve the problem. We assure subscribers that emergency teams will work without interruption and with maximum mobilization to restore the heat supply as soon as possible“, commented the company's executive director Petar Petrov.
Health and educational institutions in the affected neighborhoods will be notified, and they will be recommended to switch to alternative heating, the institution also announced.