„BSP tried to become an „anti-corruption“ and „protest“ party, and not to follow its authentic policy.“ This is a verbatim quote from the speech of the chairman of the BSP – Atanas Zafirov at the Congress of his party held yesterday, in which he denies and destroys the course of Cornelia Ninova. The chairman's speech is part of the program documentation of a formation.
For the first time in an official document I have declared pro-corruption and anti-democratic ideas (despite the fact that protest, rebellion, revolution are the genesis of the left). If it were not for a ruling party with a deputy prime minister and three ministers, deputy ministers (including in the security sector), this could have been swept away, but in this case we have a declared connection of crime with politics.
We have a party that defines the refusal to fight corruption and deny the right to protest as its ideological basis. That is, it is a party of the criminal contingent or controlled by it. Zafirov's remorse and the praise in his speech for the “GERB“ model as systematic are clear evidence of who took over this organization. The one who read the speech from the podium does not have the capacity to write it, nor to reproduce it in some studio without reading it.
Those who define themselves as systemic formations in the government no longer hide their pro-corruption and anti-democratic nature. This is a condition for only one thing: creating an alternative to the captured state, destroying this model, along with its affiliated and purchased formations.
P.P. I have read a wagonload of political books. I rummaged through all sorts of reference books to find an analogue of such a managerial request - pro-corruption and anti-protest, but I did not find it anywhere. There are very faint analogies in some marginal formation in Abuja, Nigeria.