A declaration was issued by "We continue the change-Democratic Bulgaria" on the occasion of the third year since the start of Russia's war against Ukraine.
Deputy Yavor Bozhankov stated that his party stands firmly behind Kiev.
"The demilitarization of Ukraine, set as a goal by the Russian Federation, is the highest form of cynicism. In 1994, the Budapest Memorandum was signed between Russia, the USA and Great Britain.
The three countries welcome Ukraine's decision to surrender its nuclear arsenal. In point 2, Russia declares and signs that its weapons will not be used against the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine.
Today it is clear that the Kremlin's word and signature are worthless, and the demilitarization of Ukraine made today's war possible," said Yavor Bozhankov.
On February 15, 2022, the Kremlin spokesman stated: “Only crazy people, devoid of morality, can admit that Russia intends to attack Ukraine“, nine days later, a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Bozhankov pointed out. According to him, Ukraine is not the first victim. He noted that in 2008, Russia also attacked Georgia with the motive of protecting the Russian-speaking population, but the real goal was to thwart Georgia's European integration and membership in NATO. In 2014 followed by the annexation of Crimea.
Today it is clear that the Kremlin's word and signature mean nothing, and the demilitarization of Ukraine made today's war possible, Bozhankov commented.
The special military operation in three days turned into a full-scale war and led to war crimes in Bucha, the involvement of Kadyrov's detachments, known for their bloodthirstiness and brutality, as well as North Korean soldiers, he pointed out.
The Russian Federation has one goal - the destruction of Ukraine as a sovereign state, the destabilization of the EU and the destruction of unity in NATO. This time, however, Putin faced the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people, ready to sacrifice for their independence, as well as the determination of the West to support them in their fight for freedom, Yavor Bozhankov also said.
According to him, since the beginning of the war, there have been 41 thousand civilian casualties, and a third of the population of Ukraine, of which over 2 million children, need humanitarian aid. The suspension of NATO expansion ended with NATO expansion - with Sweden and Finland, Bozhankov also commented.
He also pointed out the aid provided by Bulgaria for a total of 8.7 billion leva. "For three years before the war, the export of our private industry of military production was worth about 1.5 billion leva. Three years after the war, exports increased to 3.7 billion, and for 2025 alone, the industry has declared exports for 5 billion. leva", noted the PP-DB MP.
"However, the risks facing Bulgaria are increasing. In recent days, Russia has made a request to repeal Article 5 for the countries of Eastern Europe, concerning the collective defense of NATO, this includes our homeland, and shows an intention to restore Russian interests within the borders of the former Soviet Union. Against this background, Borisov is changing his rhetoric at the speed of light, and Rumen Radev is using the National Security Advisory Council for populist purposes, and the real risks facing Bulgaria are commented on only on the sidelines and in front of the media, with President Radev repeating one by one the mainstays of the Kremlin regime", commented Yavor Bozhankov.
In this sense, the freedom we enjoy today - of movement, a common market, belonging to the family of European peoples, all of this is under direct threat, he warned. In his words, Bulgaria's civilizational choice will be put to the test in the coming months. Our national interest is lasting peace, and it is built only on the truth – Ukraine is a victim, a solution to this conflict without it and without Europe is impossible, added Bozhankov. He noted that the division of Poland between Hitler and Stalin was the beginning of the darkest times in Europe.
"We will work for Bulgaria's active role in the pan-European security and defense system, which begins with our unwavering position for European unity. We stand firmly behind Ukraine and its ability to resist the Russian aggressor. We will also defend our national successes – Bulgaria's membership in NATO and the EU, and any attempt to undermine them will meet our categorical resistance," the MP from "Continuing Change-Democratic Bulgaria" also stated.