„Friday's vile spectacle showed the ugliest, but also the truest face of war and negotiations. Very often with my students we have discussed the value of war and human life. And my conclusion is always that war is just business. Every war is hidden behind the mask of some cause. No matter how sad it is – This vulgar spectacle exposed what is really going on.“
This is how Assoc. Prof. Georgi Burdarov commented on the clash in the White House between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Donald Trump to bTV.
He is a lecturer at Sofia University, a specialist in demographic issues and ethno-religious conflicts, as well as the author of the bestsellers “I'm Still Counting the Days“ and “Absolvo te“.
“Behind the scenes, this is exactly what is happening - deals and bargaining. No matter how cynical it is, this is a fact, this is the truth. Excluding extreme cynicism and lack of empathy, because no matter what you think about the conflict, people are dying in it every second, but beyond that - big politics is a game. "There's bluffing, there's screwing, screwing, screwing. I don't know why people think there's any morality and values," he added.