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Weather today, forecast for Wednesday, March 5: Sunny and warmer

Maximum temperatures will be between 13° and 18°

Mar 5, 2025 03:00 48

Weather today, forecast for Wednesday, March 5: Sunny and warmer  - 1

The minimum temperatures today in most of the country will be between minus 4° and 1°, along the Black Sea coast - from 0° to 4°, BNT reported.

In the morning hours there will be fog again, in more places in the plains, valleys and around water basins, but during the day it will be sunny throughout the country. It will also be warmer, with maximum temperatures between 13° and 18°, in Sofia - around 15°. The wind will be weak, still from the northwest.

It will also be sunny along the Black Sea coast, but there will also be areas with reduced visibility. Both the wind and the sea waves will be weak. Maximum temperatures on the coast will be between 10° and 14°. Good conditions in the mountains for both tourism and white sports enthusiasts - sunny, with a weak to moderate northeasterly wind. The warming continues there as well. Maximum temperatures in our resorts tomorrow will be from 5° to 10°. The danger of avalanches outside the groomed slopes remains elevated.