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Weather today, forecast for Sunday, March 9: Sunny with scattered high clouds

Maximum temperatures will be between 16° and 21°

Mar 9, 2025 04:42 91

Weather today, forecast for Sunday, March 9: Sunny with scattered high clouds  - 1

Today will be sunny with scattered high clouds, mainly over the northern regions, BNR reported.

A light to moderate easterly wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be between 16° and 21°, lower along the sea coast, in Sofia 18°-19°.

It will be sunny in the mountains. A light to moderate wind will blow from the east-southeast. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be around 13°, at 2000 meters - around 6°.

It will be sunny along the Black Sea coast. A light to moderate northeasterly wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be between 10° and 13°. The sea water temperature is 6°-7°. The sea waves will be 1-2 points, along the southern coast - up to 3 points.