The President of the "Podkrepa" Confederation of Labour and a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Social Security Institute, Dimitar Manolov, supports the possibility of giving Easter supplements to pensioners, but believes that it is not right for them to be for everyone:
"It is right to do so, even though, unfortunately, the size of pensions is not yet such that people can afford to celebrate this bright holiday in an appropriate manner. So someone has to help them and that someone is everyone else, in this case it is a question of the State Social Security budget.
This is not such a burden that it will collapse, after all, this budget is nearly 30 billion leva. However, it is not fair to have Easter supplements for everyone. There are people who receive pensions that are higher than the average salary for the country. Why should there be additional support there? Of course, it is not easy to identify those who can afford it, of course we will reach the border where 1 leva will separate them".
Earlier, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Borislav Gutsanov said that he would propose to the government to have Easter supplements for pensioners.