The police in Sliven detected speeds of 181 and 182 km/h on the road with a speed limit of 90 km/h outside of built-up areas, the press center of the Ministry of Interior announced.
The violations were committed on February 27, and the drivers will be sanctioned with a fine of 1,000 leva. If the violation is repeated, the fine is doubled, the police indicate. In the days from February 26 to March 3, 521 violations of speed limits were recorded.
For the period, 1,345 violations of the Road Traffic Act were established. During specialized operations and daily road safety controls, 2,435 vehicles and 3,053 people were checked. 311 administrative violation notices and 681 tickets were drawn up. Three unlicensed drivers were identified during the period, two after drinking alcohol, and two after using drugs.
A total of 171 violations of road signs and markings were recorded, two did not comply with traffic light signals, and four lost the right of way. Nine vehicles were stopped for various types of technical malfunctions. 203 pedestrians were checked, 45 of whom were sanctioned for improper crossing and driving on the roadway. During the period, 13 road accidents occurred, with no injuries.