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The wolf echo of the Bulgarians

About the origin and name of the supreme god in the "ancient Greek pantheon" ZEUS and of the peoples who worshiped him in the oldest times

Май 16, 2024 20:08 176


While I was working on my article "The wolf letter of the Bulgarians", an idea dawned on me, which at first I rejected as implausible and even scandalous. But as the days passed, this idea obsessively occupied my mind, and the more I thought about it, looking for arguments with which to refute it, the more possible and realistic it seemed to me. Finally, I realized that the main reason for rejecting it is the routine, the habit, the canon imposed in "historical science", in which - as we have recently convinced ourselves - there is too little scientificity.

My idea is related to the origin and name of the supreme god in the "ancient Greek pantheon" ZEUS and the peoples who worshiped him in ancient times.

In order to present it, I have to repeat some statements of the ancient authors, which I have already quoted in my article about the "wolf letter" (the extended version on This is what Pausanias writes in "Things in Arcadia" ( "Description of Hellas" ) about the deeds of Lycaon, king of Arcadia and son of Pelasgus:

"Lycaon, the son of Pelasgus, devised the following things, which were more clever than those of his father. He founded the city of Lycosura on Mount Lycaeus, gave Zeus the nickname of Lycaeus, and founded the Lycaean Games. I claim that the Panathenaic was not founded before the Lycaean ..."

Since, according to Apollodorus, Pelasgus, Lycaon, and their immediate successors, lived before the Deluge of Deucalion, when there was no mention of " the Greeks" neither in the Balkans, nor in Asia Minor, nor in the Aegean archipelagos, therefore Zeus "Lycaean" is a Pelasgian god. Lycaean means "wolves", this does not need to be proven (and if there is - the following lines in the cited work of Strabo prove it categorically). But then what does the name Zeus mean?

We have long been taught that ZEUS simply means GOD - DEUS. The name of the supreme god is not spoken, he is simply THE GOD and that is all. But the name Zeus has always confused me with this initial З ( Z ), which distinguishes it from the familiar Theos, Deos, Dion, by which the gods were called in Greek, Latin and other ancient languages. Yes, "d" and "th" they easily change to "z", but is the difference only due to the pronunciation, isn't it deeper? Why only the "name" Is Zeus pronounced that way?

I have written several times that in the most ancient names there is a tautology that seems to strive to "strengthen" the meaning of a given concept, to "impress" in human consciousness. This is due to the accumulation of names with the same meaning, but in different languages or dialects, with which the same object has been called, over time. Yes, Lycian means "wolves", but actually Zeus would also say "WOLF"!


In ancient Hebrew, which is in many ways identical to Aramaic, ZEV or ZEW means "wolf". It is not difficult to guess that the word comes from "zev" - the yawn of the mighty beast. As is known from the name of the Getic city Dausdava, DAUS is one of the Thracian names for the wolf. Yes, the root DEV, DIV will mean "deity", "divine", but it comes from the entities that rule nature - wild nature! It was she who was adored in the most ancient times by man. And one of its brightest, smartest and - if you will - most human-like - representatives is the wolf. This is the animal that knows how to organize its collective life according to inexorable laws, also adopted by primitive human societies. From the name of the magnificent predator originate concepts such as "howl", "war", "warrior", "soldier" etc. By the way, the name of Phoenicus, son of Agenor and brother of Europe, Cadmus and Cilicus, in my opinion, means exactly "Soldier", respectively - Wolf.

Lykaon - Wolf - is the common ancestor of the Pelasgian peoples who inhabited the Balkans, Aegean and Asia Minor. The Lycians, who even bear his name - "wolves", are directly descended from him. But, as I noted in my article on " the wolf script, the name of the Phrygians, related by blood to the Mysians (downright identical to them), also originates from "wolf". The Phrygians are brigs, according to the statements of Herodotus and Strabo, who in his "Geography", Book VII, Chapter 3 even states directly:

"The Phrygians themselves, these are Brygians, some Thracian people..."

It has long been established that the root "brig" was formed by inversion of "bulg". This is how we arrive at our ethnonym - BULGARIANS, whose meaning - " WOLVES" - I defined in my article "The name Bulgaria and the ethnonym "Bulgarians".

But here in "Hecuba" ( "Metamorphoses" ), the great Roman poet Ovid directly calls "Phrygians" and the Trojans:

"Hey against Phrygia, where Troy was...", and also: "And when the Phrygian fate failed..." (in the context - the fate of Troy, M.V.).

After the name of their first king Teucer, father-in-law of Dardanus, the Trojans are called Tevcri. The name is related to "dravava", "forest". But if we replace the initial T with Z, we get Zeucer. Was the name of the first Trojan ruler WOLF? If this is so, then we would have discovered the last etymological link that connects the national names of Lycians, Phrygians, Trojans, Volks, "Lydians", Mysians and Bulgarians - in one whole!